Luke 24:11-12
The women's story seemed too good to be true. Yet, Peter went to see for himself (John 20:3-6).
wondering. The empty tomb gave him hope, but not seeing Jesus himself left him unsure about its meaning (v. 24).
Luke 24:13
day. Sunday, the day of Jesus' resurrection (v. 1).
two. That is, two of Jesus' disciples. One was named Cleopas (v. 18).
Emmaus. A village thought to be west of Jerusalem, but its exact location is unknown.
sixty stadia. About seven miles (eleven kilometers).
Luke 24:14
They were discussing Jesus' life and death (vv. 20-24). See
WLC 160.
Luke 24:15-16
God kept them from recognizing the risen Christ (see John 20:14-15; 21:4). This allowed Jesus to teach them how to understand all the Scriptures in light of who he was and what he did (vv. 25-27).
Luke 24:19
The disciples were incredulous at Jesus' question.
Nazarene. See note on 4:16.
prophet. Jesus revealed the mighty power of God like no other prophet before. Like the prophets of the old covenant, Jesus was known both by miracles and by his teaching of God's word. Yet, Jesus was much more than a prophet (see note on 7:16).
Luke 24:20
chief priests. See note on 7:3.
rulers. See note on 18:18.
condemned . . . crucified. Although Pilate and the Romans had a hand in Jesus' crucifixion, it was the Jewish leaders who initiated and pressed for his death. They were just as responsible (see notes on 23:1-2).
Luke 24:21
They thought Jesus might have been the promised Christ. Yet they misunderstood the nature of his saving work (see note on vv. 25-26).
third day. They have no expectation that Jesus would be raised, yet something of Jesus' teaching remained fixed in their minds (9:22; 13:32-33; 18:33).
Luke 24:22-23
They were aware of the events Luke recorded in vv. 1-12.
Luke 24:24
This indicates that after Peter went to the tomb, others also went to see for themselves (v. 12; John 20:2-10).
Luke 24:25-26
These disciples could not see what should have been plain in the scriptures about the Christ (see John 3:3-15). Jesus emphasized two threads of teaching. First, the sufferings of the promised Christ for the sins of his people (see notes on 23:44-46). And second, his resurrection and ascension back to glory (see notes on vv. 50-53). Their problem was one of belief.
Luke 24:27
Moses . . . prophets. Jesus started at the beginning of the Old Testament scriptures and worked his way through to the end. This does not mean that he spoke about every verse. He likely summarized story, concepts, and themes.
himself. He made clear to them how all of the scriptures pointed to his work as Savior and Lord (v. 44-49; see notes Matt. 5:17; Acts 4:25-28). Even today, God's people must read scripture in light of Jesus (John 5:29-40). See
WCF 1.3.
Luke 24:28
acted. Not in a deceitful way. The disciples thought Jesus' behavior indicated he would continue on.
Luke 24:30
The wording of Jesus' actions at the meal are very similar to his feeding of the crowds (9:16) and his institution of the Lord's Supper (22:19).
Luke 24:31
The passive wording indicates that God opened their eyes to see Jesus' identity.
vanished. See note on 24:36.
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