Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 22:71-23:24

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Luke 22:71

Earlier, several people bore false witness against Jesus. Their testimony contradicted itself and proved untrue (Mark 14:55-59). At this point, the leaders have heard the claims for himself. They rejected Jesus as the promised Christ and condemned him of blasphemy (Mark 14:63-64).

Luke 23:1

whole company. The diversity of members among the Sanhedrin were unified against Jesus (22:66; see notes on 5:17; 20:1, 7). However, not all Jews were against Jesus (vv. 50-51). Pilate. The Roman governor over the region (see notes on 3:1; 13:1). Previously had seized Jewish temple taxes for public works projects, killed innocent Jews, and violated the temple (13:1; War 2.433). The Jewish leaders did not like Pilate, but they needed him. They wanted Jesus executed, but did not have the authority to do that apart from Pilate (John 18:31).

Luke 23:2

The accusations made against Jesus before Pilate are different than the one charge that upset the Jewish leaders. They convicted him of blasphemy (see note on 22:71; Matt. 26:65-67; John 10:30-33). But, they needed to portray Jesus as a threat to Rome in order to see him executed (see note on 23:1). Three charges were presented: turning people against Rome, refusing to pay taxes, and claiming to be a rival authority. Jesus was innocent of all these charges (vv. 4, 14-15, 22).

Luke 23:3

Jesus affirmed his kingship as the Christ. However, he was not a king as charged. His kingdom was spiritual in nature (John 18:36-37).

Luke 23:4

No charge against Jesus could be substantiated. The trial should have been over.

Luke 23:8

Herod was somewhat superstitious and enamored with spiritual things. He loved hearing John the Baptist preach, even though John condemned him for his sin (3:19)! After Herod had John killed, he thought Jesus might be John's ghost (Mark 6:16-39). His interest in Jesus was a fascination with miracles rather than settling the accusations against him.

Luke 23:9

By refusing to answer, Jesus fulfilled Isa. 53:7

Luke 23:10

chief priests. See note on 7:3. scribes. See note on 5:17.

Luke 23:11

elegant. Jesus' kingship was mocked by dressing him in regal attire.

Luke 23:12

Somehow, the cruel mockery of Jesus (vv. 10-11) created a friendship where there had previously only been animosity. Nevertheless, Pilate wanted nothing more to do with him. Herod. See notes on 3:1; 13:32. Pilate. See notes on 3:1; 13:1.

Luke 23:13-24

See BC 38.

Luke 23:13

chief priests. See note on 7:3. rulers. See note on 18:18.

Luke 23:14-15

Luke recorded Pilate's decisions. There was no basis for the charges against Jesus.

Luke 23:16

Pilate wanted to be done with Jesus. He was to be released. Pilate even tried to appease the crowds by promising to have Jesus beaten again before being released.

Luke 23:18

release. Luke assumed what Mark makes explicit in his Gospel regarding the crowd's demand. At that time there was a custom for the Roman authorities to release a prisoner during the Passover festival. The origin of the custom is unclear. Perhaps at some point it had begun as a way to placate the Jews during a time of hostility. Barabbas. See note v. 19.

Luke 23:19

Barabbas. His name simply means Son of the Father. He was a man known for violence and trouble-making against the Romans. rebellion. The Jewish leaders charged Jesus with leading an uprising against Rome (v. 2). But when he was found innocent (vv. 4, 14-15), they did not want him released. Instead, they demanded the release of a man who was actually guilty of the crimes for which they blamed Jesus.

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