Luke 22:57
Peter was brave to remain in the midst of those hostile to Jesus. However, his courage failed once he was associated with Jesus.
Luke 22:59
Peter was recognized by his regional accent. Aside from Judas, all the apostles were from Galilee (see note on 6:16).
Luke 22:60
Peter's third denial comes just as Jesus predicted (v. 34).
Luke 22:61-62
The pain of his sinful denial was driven home by meeting Jesus' gaze. He could argue with strangers and a servant girl (vv. 56, 58, 59). But he couldn't defend himself before Jesus.
wept bitterly. Unlike Judas who showed no sign of repentance (Matt. 27:5), Peter's regret led to restoration (v. 32; John 21:15-17; see 2 Cor. 7:10).
Luke 22:63-23:25
Jesus on Trial. Luke recorded some of the event surrounding Jesus' trial by the Jewish leaders and Roman authorities. Though innocent, he was mistreated, convicted, and sentenced to death.
Luke 22:63
mocked. Perhaps for his Galilean accent (1:26) or his belief that he was the promised Christ.
beat. Not the proper treatment of prisoners.
Luke 22:64
The people thought Jesus was a prophet (7:16, 39; 9:8, 19; 24:19). Now, he should prove it. Their cruelty was especially demeaning toward Jesus.
Luke 22:65
It was sadly ironic that those who condemned Jesus as a blasphemer were themselves the worst offenders of blasphemy to ever walk the earth. They did not simply defy God's law (6:8), or reject God's wisdom (7:35), they derided and mocked God himself (see note on 1:35). Yet, Jesus never spoke against them (Isa. 53:7).
Luke 22:66
Secret trials were not permitted by Jewish law. Thus, the trial could not commence until early morning.
elders. See note on 7:3.
chief priests. See note on 7:3.
scribes. See note on 5:17.
council. The Jewish ruling body called the Sanhedrin (see note on 20:1).
Luke 22:67
Christ. The promised Messiah of the Old Testament, also called the Messiah (see note on 2:11).
will not believe. Through preaching and miracles, Jesus had already shown them his identity. Yet, they refused to believe.
Luke 22:68
If Jesus would ask his accusers about his authority, they would remain silent as before (20:3-8).
Luke 22:69
Though the council wanted to judge Jesus, he would judge them.
Son of Man. Jesus identified himself as the divine Son of Man who appeared in Daniel's vision (Dan. 9:13-14). In that vision, the Son of Man received an eternal kingdom from God. After his atoning death, Jesus would be exalted to rule over all things at God's right hand (Ps. 110; Phil. 2:5-11). See note on 5:22-24.
Luke 22:70
Son of God. Title for the promised Christ (v. 67) that emphasized his descent from David (see note on 1:35; 2 Sam. 7:12-16; Ps. 2).
I am. Jesus affirmed that he was God's Son in a way that indicates he would have wanted to clarify the title. He was the true Christ and Son of God, not the fulfillment of their misunderstanding of such things.
Luke 22:71
Earlier, several people bore false witness against Jesus. Their testimony contradicted itself and proved untrue (Mark 14:55-59). At this point, the leaders have heard the claims for himself. They rejected Jesus as the promised Christ and condemned him of blasphemy (Mark 14:63-64).
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