Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 22:45-62

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Luke 22:45

The disciples' sorrow (see John 16:6) led them to sleep instead of prayer (vv. 40, 46).

Luke 22:46

Jesus repeated his earlier instruction to pray watchfully against temptation (v. 40; see 18:1). This is an enduring command for all believers in every age.

Luke 22:47

crowd. What Luke called a crowd, the other Gospels fill out in more detail. The temple guards had swords and clubs as well as a large number of soldiers with them (Mark 14:43). They have weapons as well as lanterns and torches (John 18:3). The crowd probably numbered over a hundred people. kiss. Normally a sign of affectionate greeting (1 Thess. 5:25). Tragically, Judas used it as a sign of betrayal (v. 48; Mark 14:44).

Luke 22:48

Jesus stopped Judas just as he was preparing to kiss him (v. 47). Though he had every right to be enraged by his betrayal, Jesus showed him mercy. One last time, he gave him an opportunity to repent.

Luke 22:49

The disciples misunderstood Jesus' previous teaching about the need for swords (see note on v. 38).

Luke 22:50

one. This was Peter (John 18:10). After Jesus predicted he would deny him, he probably wanted to prove his faithfulness (see notes on vv. 31-34). servant. Elsewhere we are told his name is Malchus (John 18:10).

Luke 22:51

Jesus ended the physical defense on his behalf to prevent any more violence against his aggressors. Even today, Jesus' disciples don't win over sinners to Christ's kingdom by the threat of the sword. Instead, they point them to Christ's love, demonstrated by this sacrifice on the cross (see 2 Cor. 5:1-21).

Luke 22:52-53

Jesus had a public ministry. He could have been arrested at any time. Although the Jewish leaders treated Jesus like a criminal, they were acting like criminals. Nevertheless, it was the appointed time for Jesus to be seized by his opponents to fulfill God's plans. chief priests. See note on 19:47. captains. See note on 22:4. elders. See note on 7:3. darkness. Not literal, but spiritual darkness (see John 1:4-5; Acts 26:18).

Luke 22:54-62

Jesus' Disciples Flee. As Jesus was arrested, his disciples fearfully fled his side. Peter succumbed to temptation and denied Jesus just as he predicted (vv. 31-34).

Luke 22:54

high priest's house. This house of Caiaphas (Matt. 26:57). John records that before this, Jesus was taken to Annas' house (John 18:13-27). For the relationship between Annas and Caiaphas see note on 3:2. distance. Peter's physical distance symbolized the condition of his heart. He wanted to see what happened but was too fearful to be closely associated with Jesus (Matt. 26:58; see vv. 55-61).

Luke 22:57

Peter was brave to remain in the midst of those hostile to Jesus. However, his courage failed once he was associated with Jesus.

Luke 22:59

Peter was recognized by his regional accent. Aside from Judas, all the apostles were from Galilee (see note on 6:16).

Luke 22:60

Peter's third denial comes just as Jesus predicted (v. 34).

Luke 22:61-62

The pain of his sinful denial was driven home by meeting Jesus' gaze. He could argue with strangers and a servant girl (vv. 56, 58, 59). But he couldn't defend himself before Jesus. wept bitterly. Unlike Judas who showed no sign of repentance (Matt. 27:5), Peter's regret led to restoration (v. 32; John 21:15-17; see 2 Cor. 7:10).

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