Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 22:22-35

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Luke 22:22

Judas would betray Jesus to the Jewish leader (vv. 3-6; ). Then, they make false accusations about him to the Romans who executed him by crucifixion. Yet, God used these means to bring about his plan to bring salvation to his people (24:25-27; Acts 2:22-23; 4:24-28). Thus, the wicked actions of those involved will be judged (Mark 14:21; Acts 1:18-20). Son of Man. See note on 5:22-24. woe. See note on 6:20-26.

Luke 22:24-27

See WLC 132.

Luke 22:24

Each apostle insisted that his loyalty and faithfulness to Jesus prevented him from being the betrayer (v. 23). This led to arguments about who was the greatest disciple.

Luke 22:25

Jesus ended the apostles' argument by teaching them about true greatness. Gentiles. Non-Jews who were largely outside the people of God at that time. They were also ruling over the Jewish people. Jesus explained that the Gentiles' idea of greatness was rooted in displays of power. masters. Many kings ruled harshly to emphasize their authority. do good. Some Gentile kings demanded to be called Benefactors. They wanted to be known for doing good, even if they were tyrannical toward the people they ruled.

Luke 22:26-27

Christians must understand greatness differently than the Gentiles (v. 25). In Christ's kingdom true greatness doesn't come in recognition and privilege. It is found in humility, not power. That humility leads to service for others (v. 27). youngest. Culturally, the youngest would have been seen as the one with the least amount of greatness. serves. The one who sits down and is served is often considered greater than the one doing the serving. one who serves. Jesus modeled true greatness for his disciples. He was humble and served his followers (John 13:1-20; Phil. 2:3-8).

Luke 22:28

Jesus began and ended his ministry under significant Satanic attack (4:13; 22:3). The disciples had remained with him during these years of testing.

Luke 22:29-30

Jesus' call to discipleship included sharing God's kingdom in fellowship with his followers (13:29; 14:15; Matt. 25:34). It also meant the twelve apostles would have a special place of authority (see Acts 1:26). kingdom. See note on 4:43.

Luke 22:31-32

See WCF 14.3; WLC 195.

Luke 22:31

Simon, Simon. See note on 10:41-42. Satan. See note on 4:2. asked. Though Satan rages against God, he is still a created being under God's sovereign authority. He can do nothing without permission (see Job 1:8-12; 2:3-6). you. Plural word, which indicates all of the apostles were addressed. Yet, Simon Peter is singled out. Perhaps he was especially targeted by Satan as the first among equals (see Matt. 16:18; Acts 1:15; 2:14). If his faith was shaken, it would be easier for the others to fall.

Luke 22:32

Jesus interceded for Peter, ensuring his failure would only be temporary. Jesus fulfilled the role of priest who interceded for the people of Israel (Lev. 6:1-7; Joel 2:17; Heb. 9:24; 1 John 2:2). See WCF 11.5; 17.2; 18.4; WLC 79.

Luke 22:34

Peter insisted on his faithfulness. Yet, he would run away from danger (v. 54; Mark 14:50) and deny even knowing Jesus (vv. 55-62).

Luke 22:35

Jesus shifted the topic of discussion. He reminded them of his previous instructions for the disciples' mission (9:1-6; 10:1-12).

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