Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 21:16-28

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Luke 21:16

See notes on Luke 12:53; 14:26; 18:29. some . . . death. The time between Jesus' first and second comings is marked by persecution. However, only some will experience martyrdom.

Luke 21:17

Jesus was despised and rejected as Lord (20:17; Isa. 53:3). Those who follow him will likewise be rejected (see 6:22-23; Matt. 5:10-12; John 15:18; 1 Pet. 4:14).

Luke 21:18

Not a promise of physical safety in this life (see v. 16). However, there is no threat that can separate from God from his people (Rom. 8:31-39). Despite difficulty, persecution, rejection, and even martyrdom, Jesus says that he will keep us to the end (Jude 1). Every believer will be gloriously raised back to life when Jesus returns (John 6:39; Col. 3:4).

Luke 21:19

The concluding exhortation of vv. 10-17. Jesus called his disciples to faithfulness in the midst of difficulties (see Isa. 7:9; 1 Pet. 5:10). And he promised to provide all they need to stand firm (11:9-13; John 14:12-20).

Luke 21:20-24

Jesus described the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman army, which took place in A.D. 70 (see note on v. 9). His words go back to the original question asked by his disciples (v. 7).

Luke 21:20

armies. See note on 21:20-24. destruction. That is, the Jewish temple's destruction (v. 7).

Luke 21:21

The Romans put up a perimeter around Jerusalem before attacking (see note on v. 9). Many were trapped in the city and close to a million Jews perished. Jesus knew this would happen and warned his disciples to stay away.

Luke 21:22

vengeance. The nation was judged for their unfaithfulness to God and refusal to accept Jesus as the Christ (10:13-15; 13:33-34; Jer. 22:5; Mic. 3:12). fulfilled. Luke emphasized God's faithfulness to keep his promises in Scripture (4:21; 18:31; 21:22; 24:44).

Luke 21:23

Normally, pregnancy was a blessing (Ps. 127:3-5). During Jerusalem's fall, it made escape and survival more difficult. wrath. See note on v. 22.

Luke 21:24

Jerusalem would fall by violence and end in death and captivity (see Deut. 28:64; Zech. 7:14.). times of the Gentiles. For a time, the Gentiles would be in prominence in God's plan. However, Israel's time of judgment would not exist forever (Rom. 11:25-26).

Luke 21:25

After the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled, Jesus will return for his people (Matt 24:14; see 1 Pet. 3:9-10). signs. Jesus drew on the imagery given in the Old Testament for the last day (see Isa. 13:9-10; 24:18-20; 34:4; Ezek. 32:7-8; Joel 2:10).

Luke 21:26

Though some would be fearful because of the signs of Jesus' return, he desired his disciples to be encouraged (v. 28).

Luke 21:27

Son of Man. Jesus drew on the imagery of Dan. 7 to describe his return (see note on 5:22-24). cloud . . . glory. Jesus emphasized his return would be marked by divine power and kingly authority (see Exod. 14:20; 34; Num. 10:34; Ps. 104:3; Isa 19:1). As the Daniel passage indicates, Jesus would return to vindicate his people (Dan. 7:18, 22, 27; see v. 28).

Luke 21:28

these things. Jesus' appearance with cosmic signs of his return (vv. 25-27). stand . . . lift up your heads. Physical stance that reflected hope. Rather than being fearful, Jesus' disciples in every age live confidently in his return. deliverance. When Jesus returns he will deliver his people from this fallen world (see Rom. 8:18-24). See WCF 33.3; HC 52.

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