Luke 21:6
stone. The huge marble slabs that surrounded the temple (see note on v. 5).
torn down. Jesus predicted the destruction of the temple. Since it was such a physically impressive structure and also spiritually central to the life of Israel, this would have been unthinkable. The disciples could only imagine the temple's destruction as part of an end-time conflict as the Messiah fought against Israel's enemies.
Luke 21:7
Jesus' statement (v. 6) provoked this question by the disciples.
sign. They wanted some kind of indicator to know when the temple would be destroyed. See
WCF 33.3.
Luke 21:8
This is one of the most common strategies of Satan—to dupe people into following false teachers (Acts 20:29-31). This includes people who claim to be the Christ or even Jesus himself (see Acts 5:6; 21:38).
Luke 21:9
Jesus wanted his disciples to understand the destruction of the temple would not be the end (see note on v. 6). It would be a small picture of what the end will be like.
wars and riots. The ancient historian Josephus recorded the grim details of General Titus' invasion of Jerusalem, just as Jesus predicted. This included the appearance of false saviors (
Wars 6.281-287) and strange signs (
Wars 6.288-300).
the end. Though great, this destruction only pointed to a greater judgment to come on the last day.
Luke 21:10-11
Violent wars, natural disasters, and cosmological events would cause many to believe the end had come. Such images are common in Scripture passages that speak of the end (Isa. 5:11-13; 13:6-16; Hag. 2:6-7; Zech. 14:4). But these things are not the sign of Jesus' second coming. They merely reveal an anticipation of it.
Luke 21:12
Jesus' predictions (vv. 6-11) came true during the lifetime of the apostles, before the destruction of the temple.
lay hands. Acts 4:3; 5:18; 12:1; 21:27.
persecute. Acts 7:52-58; 8:1.
synagogues. Acts 9:2; 22:19; 26:11; 2 Cor. 11:24.
prisons. Acts 5:25; 8:3; 12:4-6; 16:16-24; 22:4.
kings. Acts 9:15; 12:1-5; 25:13-14; 26:19.
governors. Acts 23:24–24:27; 25:1–26:32.
my name. The name of Jesus, which is the only name that brings salvation (Acts 4:12; 5:40-41; see Rom. 1:5; 1 Pet. 4:14; 3 John 7).
Luke 21:13
Persecution results in unique opportunities to bear witness to Jesus and the gospel. Rather than be afraid before those in power, Jesus encouraged continued trust in him.
Luke 21:14-15
not to prepare. This is not an excuse for failing to study God's word in order to defend Christianity (1 Pet. 3:15). It is a promise that Jesus will be with his people and give them boldness in the face of opposition (see Acts 5:27-32).
not . . . resist or contradict. See Acts 6:8-10.
Luke 21:16-19
HC 1.
Luke 21:16
See notes on Luke 12:53; 14:26; 18:29.
some . . . death. The time between Jesus' first and second comings is marked by persecution. However, only some will experience martyrdom.
Luke 21:17
Jesus was despised and rejected as Lord (20:17; Isa. 53:3). Those who follow him will likewise be rejected (see 6:22-23; Matt. 5:10-12; John 15:18; 1 Pet. 4:14).
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