Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 19:37-48

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Luke 19:37

Mount of Olives. The place God's glory was promised to return after departing the temple (Ezek. 43:1). Also the location where God promised Messiah would set his feet (Zech. 14:4). rejoice and praise God. Jesus' disciples remembered all of the miracles God accomplished through Jesus. His ministry was marked by powerful works and preaching (24:19). This brought joy to the crowd.

Luke 19:38

The disciples' (v. 37) saying is based on Ps. 118:26. It was used to greet those traveling to Jerusalem for the holy feasts. By adding the word king they indicated their belief that Jesus' royal purpose. However, they could not understand the nature of his Messianic kingship until after his death and resurrection (Mark 9:32; John 12:16; 13:7). peace . . . glory. Similar to the praise sung by angels at Jesus' birth (2:14). However, the emphasis shifted from earth to heaven. God's plan for salvation is being fulfilled.

Luke 19:39

Many of the religious leaders in Israel had long opposed Jesus. They could not deny that he was from God. But like the all the prophets before him, they did not like his message (11:47-51). They did not welcome his critique of their lives and his calls for repentance (11:37-45). Moreover, they did not accept him as the Messiah King (v. 4; 20:9-18; 22:67-71). Pharisees. See note on 5:17.

Luke 19:40

Even if the disciples did not fully understand Jesus' kingship, their praise was appropriate. stones would cry out. If no one would praise the coming of the King, then the creation itself would praise him (see Ps. 96:10-13; Isa. 55:12; Hab. 2:11).

Luke 19:41-42

wept. Jesus was sorrowful over the spiritual state of his people (see note on 13:34). Jesus knew that many in Israel would reject him (John 12:37-40). But he still mourned for them and wished them to embrace the salvation he offered (v. 44; see Ezek. 18:23, 32; Rom. 9:1-5).

Luke 19:43-44

Jesus prophesies Jerusalem's destruction in A.D. 70 (see note 21:5-6). It will be a horrendous event that prefigures the final judgment on the last day. barricade. Before their siege on the city, the Roman army built structures around the city that prevented people from entering or leaving (21:20). strike you down. A description of the slaughter that will take place. stone upon another. Another description of the totality of the destruction. The ancient historian Josephus described those dark days in more detail (Wars 7.1.1 and 7.8.7). because. The reason for Jerusalem's destruction. Their spiritual blindness left them blind to God's saving work through Jesus.

Jesus Cleanses the Temple - Luke 19:45-48

Jesus cleansed the temple of sellers and challenged the people to spiritual authenticity. John recorded a cleansing at the beginning of Jesus ministry (John 2:13-22). The other Gospel writers, including Luke, recorded this cleansing (Matt. 21:12-16; Mark 11:15-18). So these may be two separate cleansings. Jesus displayed zeal for God's house and true worship among God's people.

Luke 19:45

temple . . . selling. The Jewish temple was the center of religious life for ancient Israel. Many people would travel to be in Jerusalem during the feasts (see note on 2:41-42). Rather than travel with animals that would be offered as sacrifices, they relied on buying near the temple. Moreover, the temple offerings could not be given using normal coins which bore an image and violated Exod. 20:4. So, they exchanged their money for a special Tyrian coin, which was acceptable. cast out. The temple in Jesus' day has multiple areas and courts designated for different types of people. The place where the sellers had set up was the Gentiles' Court. Other people could be there, but it was the only place non-Jews could be near the temple. The sellers had set-up their booths in this area, which was supposed to be a place of prayer (v. 46).

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