Luke 18:18
ruler. This a generalized term, but it indicated a wealthy man in the local community who was influential.
eternal life. Life with God, which comes by knowing Jesus by faith (John 3:16; 17:3; Rom. 6:23). It is the same as entering God's kingdom (vv. 24-25; see John 3:3-5, 16).
Luke 18:19
Jesus's response was likely due to the man's motive. The ruler was trying to flatter Jesus. Thus, Jesus did not deny that he was good, or God's Son (see note on 1:35). See
BC 1.
Luke 18:20
These are the Ten Commandments. They were a summary of the law which governed life in ancient Israel (Exod. 20:1-17).
Luke 18:21
The ruler believes he has obeyed God's law.
Luke 18:22
One thing
you still lack. The ruler did not have eternal life (v. 18).
sell all . . .
follow me. This was not an absolute command for all disciples. Instead, it was a command meant to reveal the man's true love — wealth. He had failed to keep the first command to have no other gods (Exod. 20:3) because money was his god (v. 23).
treasure in heaven. Another way of describing eternal life (v. 18), God's kingdom (vv. 24-25), and salvation (v. 26).
Luke 18:23
The treasures of heaven (v. 22) did not outweigh the treasures of this world in the man's heart.
Luke 18:25
Jesus used an illustration of something absurdly impossible to describe the plight of rich people before God. Those with much wealth often depend on their wealth. This makes it very hard to let go of it and depend on God for salvation (see 1 Tim 6:10).
Luke 18:26
Wealth was considered a sign of God's blessing. Thus, many wrongly assumed those with much wealth were righteous and would be saved. Jesus reversed their thinking about how one is saved (see vv. 13-14, 17).
Luke 18:27
Left to themselves, humanity would never be saved. But God's power overcomes our inability and brings salvation (Rom. 1:16; Eph. 2:1-4). No one can save themselves, but God can save the worst sinner. Even the rich can be saved (19:1-10).
possible with God. See 1:37; Gen. 18:14.
Luke 18:29-30
much more in this world. Jesus assured the disciples that God knew their sacrifice (v. 28). He provides the church as a new family made up of his people to for those lost who lost families for the sake of the kingdom (see 8:21; Mark 3:35).
world to come. Even if we give up everything in this life, we will still have treasure in heaven (v. 22).
eternal life. Jesus said that following him meant gaining the most precious, joyful, all-satisfying possession in the world — God himself (see note on v. 18).
Luke 18:31-34
Jesus prepared his disciple for his impending death.
written by the prophets. Jesus wants the disciples to be clear on the fact that his crucifixion and death were not unknown to God. All of his promises had been moving toward the coming of Christ (24:26-27, 44-47).
Son of Man. See note on 5:24.
Luke 18:32-33
These are some of the details that surrounded the death of Christ. But each of these things was predicted in detail hundreds of years before it happened (see note on v. 31; 9:22).
given over. See 20:20; 23:1-2.
mocked. See 22:63; 23:11, 36; Ps. 22:7.
shamefully treated. See 22:63-65; 23:35, 39; Ps. 22:17; Isa. 53:3.
spit upon. See Isa. 50:6; Mark 14:65; 14:19.
whipping. See Isa. 50:6; Mark 15:15.
kill. See 23:44-46; Ps. 22:18; Isa. 53:5, 12.
rise. See 24:1-12; Ps. 16:10.
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