Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 18:14-30

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Luke 18:14

justified. A legal declaration made by God toward sinners. To be justified is not to be made righteous, but considered righteous by God (Rom. 3:24-26). Sinners are justified by God when they trust Jesus to save them (Rom. 4:5; 5:1, 9; Gal. 2:16). The tax collector looked to God to provide forgiveness and justification as a merciful gift (v. 13). the other. The Pharisee trusted in his own righteousness and was not justified by God (v. 9; Gal. 3:11). exalts . . . humbled. This was an unexpected reversal for Jesus's listeners. They expected the Pharisee to be justified, not the tax collector (see note on 1:51-55).

Luke 18:15-17

Jesus's interactions with children pointed to the humble faith needed to be his disciples.

Luke 18:15-16

See WCF 10.3; 28.4; WLC 166.

Luke 18:15

bringing. Not, they brought, or as Luke often said, On one occasion (5:1; 10:25; 14:1). The tense speaks to the fact that the people kept doing this. It was a common occurrence for Jesus. touch them. The ancient Jews had a cultural history of the elder men in society speaking a blessing onto those who were younger (Gen. 48; Num. 6:24-26).

Luke 18:16

Though the disciples rebuked the crowds (v. 15), Jesus rebukes the disciples. He wanted to reverse their thinking about children and the preaching of the gospel. Permit . . . do not forbid. Jesus gave a positive exhortation for children to be brought to him. He also gave a prohibition not to hinder children from coming to him. kingdom . . . belongs to such. Not that children are always saved. But that those who are saved receive the kingdom like children (v. 17).

Luke 18:17

Little children are needy and trusting toward their parents. Thus, Jesus says that those who believe they are spiritually self-sufficient will not be entering God's kingdom. Only those who come to God like children will be saved. Those that go like children are trusting and wholly dependent on him for salvation (see note on 18:13-14).

Luke 18:18-30

Luke recounted an interaction with someone questioning Jesus to teach about the dangers of wealth. It is hard for rich people to be saved because their confidence must be in God, not money.

Luke 18:18

ruler. This a generalized term, but it indicated a wealthy man in the local community who was influential. eternal life. Life with God, which comes by knowing Jesus by faith (John 3:16; 17:3; Rom. 6:23). It is the same as entering God's kingdom (vv. 24-25; see John 3:3-5, 16).

Luke 18:19

Jesus's response was likely due to the man's motive. The ruler was trying to flatter Jesus. Thus, Jesus did not deny that he was good, or God's Son (see note on 1:35). See BC 1.

Luke 18:20

These are the Ten Commandments. They were a summary of the law which governed life in ancient Israel (Exod. 20:1-17).

Luke 18:21

The ruler believes he has obeyed God's law.

Luke 18:22

One thing you still lack. The ruler did not have eternal life (v. 18). sell all . . . follow me. This was not an absolute command for all disciples. Instead, it was a command meant to reveal the man's true love — wealth. He had failed to keep the first command to have no other gods (Exod. 20:3) because money was his god (v. 23). treasure in heaven. Another way of describing eternal life (v. 18), God's kingdom (vv. 24-25), and salvation (v. 26).

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