Luke 17:23-24
Some will claim to have seen Jesus return in a manner not obvious to the rest of the world. However, Jesus warned not to follow after such people. When Jesus returns, it will be as obvious as lightning flashing across the sky. Thus, his disciples wait patiently and confidently for his return (1 Thess. 4:16-18; 2 Pet. 3:8-9).
Luke 17:25
Before Jesus can return from heaven and fully establish God's kingdom, he must be rejected, suffer, and die as the Savior of the world. This was God's plan since the foundation of the world (9:22; 24:26; 1 Pet. 1:20-21).
Luke 17:26-27
Noah. A descendent of the first man, Adam (Gen. 5:1-2). It was hoped he would fulfill God's promise of a son who would reverse the curse (Gen. 3:15; 5:28-29).
flood. By Noah's day, the world became so full of sin, God decided to destroy humanity (Gen. 6:5-7). However, God was gracious to Noah and provided a way of escape for him and his family (Gen. 6:8). They built an ark that would save him and some of every bird and land animal from a flood that destroyed all other life (Gen. 6:13-22).
destroyed. God's judgment came swiftly while humanity went about their lives.
Luke 17:28-29
Lot. Abraham's nephew (Gen. 11:26-32).
Sodom. A city known for its wickedness and sexual deviancy (Gen. 19:1-9).
destroyed. Lot and his family were rescued from the city of Sodom moments before fire fell from the sky on that sinful place (Gen. 19:10-16). There was no warning before God's just judgment rained down. Everyone was going about their lives normally.
Luke 17:30
God's judgment came swiftly and without warning in the days of Noah (v. 26-27) and Lot (vv. 28-29). Likewise, when Jesus, the Son of Man returns, judgment will come quickly without signs or warning.
Son of Man. See notes on 5:22-24. See
WCF 28.5.
Luke 17:31
There will be no time to prepare for the judgment that will come when Jesus returns.
Luke 17:32
Lot's wife. Lot and his family were instructed not to look back as they fled God's judgment on the city (Gen. 19:17). But Lot's wife looked back because she longed for the wicked city over God's salvation. As a result, the judgment of God also fell on her, reducing her body to a pillar of salt (Gen. 19:26).
Luke 17:33
This is the irony of Christianity. The one who holds onto the things of this world ends up losing their life in the judgment to come. But the one who puts Christ's first above earthly things, gains eternal life with God (see 9:24).
Luke 17:34-35
night. Picture that emphasizes Jesus' return will be unexpected (12:38, 40; 1 Thess. 5:2).
taken . . . left. God takes up his people to meet Jesus and experience salvation while others are left to be judged for their sins (vv. 26-31). This is not random. Those who put their hope in Jesus will be saved (John 14:3; 1 Thess. 4:17).
Luke 17:37
When you sees the vultures circling round you know something is dead nearby. Likewise, when the judgment comes, you will know the end has come. Life will be over and it will be too late to do anything about it (Heb. 9:27; see 16:19-31). All of humanity will be divided between those in God's kingdom and those outside his kingdom (2:34; 11:23; 12:51).
Luke 18:1-14
This section contains two parables: the parable of the persistent widow (18:1-8) and the parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector (18:9-14).
Luke 18:1
parable. See note on 8:4.
pray. Parables often caused confusion (Matt. 13:26; 15:15). Here, Luke gave the reader direction for understanding the parable from the beginning (see 18:9; 19:11). Jesus wanted his disciples to continually pray without discouragement (see 1 Thess. 5:17; Heb. 4:16; 10:19-22).
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