Luke 17:15
Praising God is always the appropriate response of those who have received mercy from his hand (5:25; Eph. 1:4-6; Heb. 13:15).
Luke 17:16
giving . . . thanks. The only place in the New Testament where this phrase is used of Jesus, not God. Together with his posture, this could be seen as an act of worship. As the Son of God in the human form, Jesus was worthy of worship (Matt. 28:9; Col. 1:15, 19; 2:9).
Samaritan. A surprise for Luke's readers (see note on 9:52).
Luke 17:17-18
The Samaritan was considered a foreigner and apostate, and despised by the Jews (see note on 9:52). Yet, he understood better than the Jews who Jesus was and how he should respond to him (see 13:30; Rom. 9:2-5).
Luke 17:19
Jesus sent the healed leper away with a blessing.
faith has made you well. This could also be translated as
your faith has saved you. Jesus' acts of physical healing were metaphors for spiritual salvation. Jesus spoke these words to needy sinners who came to him for help (7:50; 8:48; 17:19; 18:42). Trusting Jesus rather than our righteousness or religious works brings us to God.
Luke 17:20-37
Jesus taught that God's kingdom was present in ministry (vv. 20-21; 11:20). However, the kingdom has not yet fully arrived. The fullness of the kingdom will come when he returns for his people (vv. 33-35; 19:11-12).
Luke 17:20-21
Pharisees. See note on 5:17.
kingdom of God. See notes on 4:43; 81.
careful observing. Many in ancient Israel expected a kingdom of military force that would bring liberation from Rome. They looked for supernatural signs of the kingdom's presence. But Pharisees failed to see the sign that was already before them — Jesus, the king (see 14:15).
within you. Or, "among you." Jesus did not mean that God's kingdom was merely a condition of the heart (see notes on 4:43; 81). God's reign was present in Jesus and his offer of forgiveness through faith and repentance. See
BC 27.
Luke 17:22
After Jesus' ascension back to heaven (24:50-53), there will be days when his people will long for his return.
Son of Man. See notes on 5:22-24.
Luke 17:23-24
Some will claim to have seen Jesus return in a manner not obvious to the rest of the world. However, Jesus warned not to follow after such people. When Jesus returns, it will be as obvious as lightning flashing across the sky. Thus, his disciples wait patiently and confidently for his return (1 Thess. 4:16-18; 2 Pet. 3:8-9).
Luke 17:25
Before Jesus can return from heaven and fully establish God's kingdom, he must be rejected, suffer, and die as the Savior of the world. This was God's plan since the foundation of the world (9:22; 24:26; 1 Pet. 1:20-21).
Luke 17:26-27
Noah. A descendent of the first man, Adam (Gen. 5:1-2). It was hoped he would fulfill God's promise of a son who would reverse the curse (Gen. 3:15; 5:28-29).
flood. By Noah's day, the world became so full of sin, God decided to destroy humanity (Gen. 6:5-7). However, God was gracious to Noah and provided a way of escape for him and his family (Gen. 6:8). They built an ark that would save him and some of every bird and land animal from a flood that destroyed all other life (Gen. 6:13-22).
destroyed. God's judgment came swiftly while humanity went about their lives.
Luke 17:28-29
Lot. Abraham's nephew (Gen. 11:26-32).
Sodom. A city known for its wickedness and sexual deviancy (Gen. 19:1-9).
destroyed. Lot and his family were rescued from the city of Sodom moments before fire fell from the sky on that sinful place (Gen. 19:10-16). There was no warning before God's just judgment rained down. Everyone was going about their lives normally.
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