Luke 14:21
streets and lanes. The places where social outcasts would dwell in ancient Israel.
the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame. All outsiders who lived in need. These physical impairments often pointed to spiritual impairments (see Matt. 9:12; Acts 26:18; Heb. 12:12-13). God offers the kingdom to the needy and is ready is heal them.
lame. Such people were not permitted to fully participate in ancient Israel's worship (Lev. 21:17-23).
Luke 14:23
highways and hedges. Places outside the city. This likely refers to the inclusion of Gentiles in the kingdom. This was promised in the Old Testament, but still unexpected in Jesus's day (see Ps. 86:9; Isa. 49:6; 56:6-8; Jer. 3:17; Acts 15:7-9; Rom. 15:7-16).
Luke 14:24
invited. That is, accepted the first invitation but refused to come when the feast was ready (see note on vv. 16-17).
Jesus' Call to Discipleship - Luke 14:25-35
Jesus's call to the crowds (v. 25) was about basic discipleship. This is not about
how one is saved. Rather, Jesus gave a picture of what it looks like for saved believers to live as his disciples. Salvation is freely given (Eph. 2:8-9). But discipleship costs everything we have (v. 33).
Luke 14:26
Compared to one's love and commitment to Jesus, love for family appears to be
hate(Matt. 10:37; see Gen. 29:30-31; Deut. 21:15-17). As Lord, he takes priority over all others.
Luke 14:27
cross. Symbolically, a disciple's old life dies when he comes to faith in Christ. In return, Jesus gives new spiritual life. This includes a new mindset, lifestyle, and priorities (see Rom. 12:1-2; Gal. 2:20; Col. 3:1-3). This might result in pain and suffering for Jesus's sake (see Matt. 5:11; Acts 5:41; 9:16; Phil 1:29).
Luke 14:28-32
Jesus illustrated this point with two parables. When a man decides to build a tower (vv. 28-30) or go to war (vv. 31-32) he will first
count the cost. Will he have money to finish the building project? Does he have the military strength to defeat his enemy? Likewise, Jesus warned that one should not make a rushed decision to follow him.
Luke 14:33
Jesus deserves all that we have (Matt. 13:44-16). Therefore, disciples are willing to give up everything to follow him (5:11, 28; 12:33; 18:22).
Luke 14:34-35
Salt has many uses, including as a fertilizer. But, it was used as a preservative and for flavor. In the ancient world, natural salt was often mixed with other minerals, like gypsum. Over time, the salt may dissolve, leaving the impurities, and the salt could lose its effectiveness over time. When that happened it would simply be
thrown away. Jesus used this example of salt to teach about the distinctiveness (saltiness) of his disciples (vv. 26-33).
ears to hear, let him hear. See note on 8:8.
Jesus' Parables of Pursuing the Lost - Luke 15:1-32
This parable is made up of three stories: the caring shepherd (vv. 4-7), the searching woman (vv. 8-10), and the gracious father (vv. 11-32). All three teach many of the same things over the course a repeated cycle — something is lost (vv. 4, 8, 24), then it is found (vv. 5, 9, 24), and there is great rejoicing because of it (vv. 6, 9, 24). The parable served two purposes. First, it extended an invitation to the sinners listening (v. 1). Second, it offered a defense of Jesus's ministry to those complaining (v. 2). Jesus made clear that he had come to seek sinners (5:31; 19:10).
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