Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 13:15-14:24

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Luke 13:15-16

Jesus accused the synagogue ruler (v. 14) and other like-minded Jews of hypocrisy. They did the necessary work of providing water to their animals on the Sabbath. Yet, they did not want to provide healing relief of a person's suffering. True intimacy with God can never be divorced from a compassionate concern for his people (Matt. 22:37-39; 1 John 3:10; 4:20-21).

Luke 13:16

daughter of Abraham. A physical descendent of Abraham. He was the recipient of God's covenant promises and the father of the Jewish people (Gen. 12:1-3; 15:1-18; 17:1-8). Jesus likely also saw her as a spiritual descendent that trusted God like Abraham did (19:9; see Rom. 4:1-3, 12-25). Satan. See note on 4:2.

Jesus' Teaching about the Kingdom of God - Luke 13:18-14:24

Luke recorded Jesus's teaching about the surprising nature of God's kingdom. It would grow slowly and include unexpected members, while those expected to enter would be excluded.

Luke 13:18-19

kingdom. see note on 4:43. mustard seed. A seed known for its small size (Matt. 13:32). Yet from the tiny seed a plant can grow eight to twelve feet tall. yeast. See note on 12:1. compare. Jesus compared the kingdom to mustard seed and yeast. In both examples, he showed that the kingdom of God starts small but eventually grows large.

Luke 13:22

the way to Jerusalem. See notes on 9:51; 18:31.

Luke 13:23

few . . . saved? The man's motive is unclear. He would have been trying to catch out Jesus with a trick question (11:54). Or he may have been worried that he wouldn't be saved. Either way, his question is urgent. But Jesus's answer is even more urgent (v. 24)

Luke 13:24

Jesus described entering God's salvation as entering a door. This door is described as narrow, which means it must be entered the correct way (Matt. 7:13-14). One must respond to Jesus with repentance and faith to be saved (vv. 3-5; 8:12; Mark 1:15).

Luke 13:25

locks the door. The door of salvation (v. 24) will not be opened forever. Once closed, the opportunity for salvation will be over (12:58; 13:6-9; 14:24). Thus, it is urgent that people who want to enter the kingdom struggle to go through the door (v. 24). That is, forsake everything that hinders them from following Jesus (5:30-32; 9:57-62). stand outside. Not everyone who believes they are saved or claims to be a believer is really a disciple of Jesus (vv. 26-27; Matt. 7:21-23).

Luke 13:26-27

Fellowship with Jesus and listening to his teaching does not guarantee salvation. Only faith in Jesus brings salvation (John 3:16; Acts 10:43; 16:31; Rom. 10:9; Eph. 2:8-10).

Luke 13:28

crying . . . grinding of teeth. Signs of deep grief and mourning in ancient Israel. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. The patriarchs of Israel who received God's covenant promises (Gen. 31:53; 50:24; Exod. 2:24; Matt. 1:2). Their faith in God was an example to others (Heb. 11:8-10, 13-21). prophets. God's servants called to preach to ancient Israel. They trusted God and were obedient to him, even in the face of death (11:50; Rom. 11:4; Heb. 11:35-38). thrown out. One could not depend on being a descendent of Abraham to be part of God's kingdom (see Phil. 3:3-11). Everyone must put their faith in Jesus to be saved (see note on 13:26-27).

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