Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 13:5-14:24

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Luke 13:5

See note on v. 3; WCF 15:3; WLC 153.

Luke 13:6

parable. See note on 8:4. fig tree . . .vineyard. Common Old Testament imagery for the nation of Israel. none. Though God planted and cared for his people, they did not produce fruit of righteousness (Isa. 5:2).

Luke 13:8-9

Not only is God going to withhold the judgment ancient Israel deserved, but he's going to continue to be gracious toward the nation. However, his patience will not last forever. Apart from repentance and faith, God's judgment will come (vv. 34-35; 19:41-44).

Jesus' Healing on the Sabbath - Luke 13:10-17

Jesus displayed his compassion for hurting people through healing. Through the healing, he showed his authority over spiritual powers and physical sickness. He also pointed out spiritual hypocrisy in Israel's religious leaders.

Luke 13:10

synagogues. See note on 4:5. Sabbath. See note on 6:1.

Luke 13:11

We do not know much about this woman. If she was a believer, then her spirit was guarded from the demon and she could not be possessed (see Col 1:13-14; 2 Cor. 6:16). However, he could still attack her physical body (see Job 1-2).

Luke 13:12

Jesus had compassion on the woman and took the initiative in healing her. freed. A word that usually relates to the release of prisoners or a debt obligation. Later Jesus would say that she had been bound by Satan (v. 16).

Luke 13:13

Luke often notes the immediacy of healing at Jesus's command (4:39; 5:25; 8:44, 47, 55; 18:43).

Luke 13:14

There is nothing in God's law for Israel that says one cannot heal on the Sabbath (see note on 6:1; Exod. 20:8-11). In fact, deeds of mercy and necessity were permitted on the Sabbath. However, certain people created traditions meant to keep pious Jews from breaking the law. These traditions became confused with God's law, leading people to forget God's character and the intent of his law (see Mark 7:8-9, 13). The Sabbath was made for humanity's good (Mark 2:27). Therefore, it was right to heal on that day (vv. 15-16).

Luke 13:15-16

Jesus accused the synagogue ruler (v. 14) and other like-minded Jews of hypocrisy. They did the necessary work of providing water to their animals on the Sabbath. Yet, they did not want to provide healing relief of a person's suffering. True intimacy with God can never be divorced from a compassionate concern for his people (Matt. 22:37-39; 1 John 3:10; 4:20-21).

Luke 13:16

daughter of Abraham. A physical descendent of Abraham. He was the recipient of God's covenant promises and the father of the Jewish people (Gen. 12:1-3; 15:1-18; 17:1-8). Jesus likely also saw her as a spiritual descendent that trusted God like Abraham did (19:9; see Rom. 4:1-3, 12-25). Satan. See note on 4:2.

Jesus' Teaching about the Kingdom of God - Luke 13:18-14:24

Luke recorded Jesus's teaching about the surprising nature of God's kingdom. It would grow slowly and include unexpected members, while those expected to enter would be excluded.

Luke 13:18-19

kingdom. see note on 4:43. mustard seed. A seed known for its small size (Matt. 13:32). Yet from the tiny seed a plant can grow eight to twelve feet tall. yeast. See note on 12:1. compare. Jesus compared the kingdom to mustard seed and yeast. In both examples, he showed that the kingdom of God starts small but eventually grows large.

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