Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 10:27-42

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Luke 10:27

The answer came from the Law itself (Deut. 6:5 and Lev. 19:18). It's also an answer that Jesus himself would use to summarize the Law (Matt 22:34-40). However, this is for those who already have eternal life. It is not how one earns eternal life.

Luke 10:29

justify himself. The teacher approached Jesus with an insincere motive (v. 25). He also wanted to show himself to be right with God by how he was living. This is one place in the gospels that uses distinctly Pauline language. "Who is my neighbor?" The question shows the teacher had a wrong mindset. This teacher wanted to know who he didn't need to love.

Luke 10:30-35

Jesus' parable was meant to reveal the teacher's dishonest motives and misunderstanding about life in God's kingdom. Rather than loving little, God calls his people to love abundantly.

Luke 10:30

down. This is according to elevation. Jerusalem sits atop a small mountain 2,500 feet above sea level. robbers. A common hazard in the ancient world. Jesus could have referred to bandits or thieves.

Luke 10:31-32

Both the priest and the Levite were descendants of Aaron. The priests were those responsible for leading Israel in worship through the sacrifices offered at the Temple (Num. 18:1-32). The Levites were of the same tribe but only assisted the priests in performing their duties (Num. 3:21-26). These men were supposed to be religious leaders in Israel. Because they were leaving Jerusalem it is reasonable to think that they have just worshipped at the temple.

Luke 10:33

Samaritan. See note on 9:52. compassion. This was a startling contrast to the response of the priest and Levite (vv. 31-32)! Assuming the injured man (v. 30) was a Jew, this could even be an example of loving one's enemy (6:27).

Luke 10:34-36

The Samaritan's care for the man was sacrificial and compassionate. He generously used his resources to do all he could to care for a complete stranger. two denarii. About two days' worth of wages (see Matt. 20:2).

Luke 10:37

One. The teacher could not even bring himself to use the word Samaritan. do the same. Jesus focused on the man's sense of self-righteousness. If he really wanted to obey God, then his love for neighbor must look like the Samaritan's love in the parable.

Luke 10:38

Martha. A disciple of Jesus (John 11:20-27). She was sister to Mary (v. 39) and Lazarus, whom Jesus would raise from the dead (John 11:1-2, 38-44). They were dear friends of Jesus (John 11:3, 5, 32-36).

Luke 10:39

Mary is an example of the ideal disciple — one who learns from and submits to another. Her posture and attitude showed one under the Lordship of Christ.

Luke 10:40

overly busy. Hospitality is an important part of Christian discipleship (vv. 4-8; 9:4; Rom. 12:13; 1 Pet. 4:9-10). However, it distracted Martha from something better (v. 42). not care. Martha's distraction with serving led her to be angry and anxious (v. 41). Apart from Jesus, even ministry can be a temptation to self-pity and resentment.

Luke 10:41-42

Martha, Martha. The repetition of the name was a sign of deep affection (see 2 Sam. 18:33; Matt. 23:37). anxious. Martha's preoccupation with the practicalities of service caused her to worry and miss what was most important. necessary. Mary understood that it was best for her to learn from Jesus before trying to serve him. This was especially true in that day when Jesus was physically present. Serving Jesus is good, but sitting at his feet in worship, submission, and learning is necessary to be his disciple.

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