Luke 9:51
taken up. Refers to Jesus' resurrection and him being taken up to heaven (Acts 1:2, 11, 22; 1 Tim. 3:16).
set his face. A Hebrew expression which speaks to determined resolve. Jesus was committed to begin making his way to
Jerusalem where he would fulfill God's plan through his death and resurrection. This phrase sets the theme for the next section (9:51–19:27).
Luke 9:52
Samaritan. The Samaritans were a people of mixed ancestry. They were the result of Jewish intermarriage with Gentiles after their capture by Assyria (2 Kgs. 17:24-41; Ezra 4; Neh. 4). Sadly, they were despised by both the Jews and Gentiles. This led them to develop their own version of the Pentateuch, their own temple on Mount Gerizim, and their own version of Israel's history. Their distorted view of God, Scripture, and worship, there was great antagonism between the Jews and Samaritans (see Luke 10:25-37).
prepare. This was probably housing preparations.
Luke 9:53
Jesus would fulfill God's will by offering his life at
Jerusalem (v. 51). Yet, the Samaritans were opposed to worship at the temple in Jerusalem (see note on v. 52). Therefore, they opposed Jesus. This was a very different reaction than Jesus' previous visit there (John 4:39-42).
Luke 9:54-55
command fire. The disciples' response to Jesus' rejection was similar to Elijah's response to King Ahaziah's rejection of God (2 Kgs. 1:1-16). It was a sign of their zeal for Jesus and possibly their feelings about the Samaritans.
rebuked. It would have been just for those who rejected the Christ to be judged. However, Jesus knew that it wasn't the time for fire and wrath (John 3:17). Likewise, until he returns, believers should love and show mercy to sinners by preaching the gospel (6:27-31; Matt 28:18-20). See
WLC 105.
Luke 9:58
Jesus challenged the man (v. 57) to understand what it meant to follow Jesus. Being a disciple is not a path to fame, ease, wealth and comfort.
Luke 9:59
bury my father. In that day, the burial process could take up to a year. After death, the body would be anointed and then put into a tomb. Then, many months later, the bones would be collected and put into a box and laid aside in a family tomb.
Luke 9:60
Jesus was not against family (Matt. 15:1-9). However, he understood that this man was trying to delay his response to Jesus's command (v. 59).
Leave the dead . . . bury their own dead. Jesus used a play on words. He meant, let the
spiritually dead worry about burying the
physically dead. Those who had no interest in Jesus were spiritually dead (15:24, 32; John 5:24-25; Rom 6:13; Eph. 2:1; 5:14).
proclaim. We are called to make sacrifices in order that we might proclaim the kingdom of God. Nothing is more important than bringing the only message of salvation to sinners desperately in need of forgiveness from a holy God. The reconciling power of Christ's death and resurrection can only come to those who hear and believe (Rom. 10:14-17).
Luke 9:61-62
Elijah allowed Elisha to
say goodbye to his family because it meant a formal break with them (1 Kgs. 19:19-21). He would never return home. Here, Jesus knew the man was tempted continually to look back to his old life.
fit for the kingdom. The one who wavers in his commitment is not worthy of Jesus. This doesn't mean perfection is required to follow him. But it does mean willingly giving up control of your life to Jesus.
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