Luke 9:14
five thousand men. Only the men were counted. If families were there, the full size of the crowd could have been 15,000 or more (figuring a wife and at least one child for each man). We know that there was at least one child there because that is where they got small amount of the bread and fish (v. 13, 16; John 6:9).
Luke 9:16-17
Jesus miraculously provided for his disciples and the crowds. Not only were they
satisfied, there was some fish and bread
left over. The provision isn't a simple repeat of the Exodus where each had what they needed (see note on 9:13; Exod. 16:18). The provision overflows with abundance.
Luke 9:18-22
These verses mark an important shift in the narrative of Luke. Jesus began directly instructing the disciples about his identity as the Christ. This included the nature of his work the Savior who would die for the sins of his people and rise again as King.
Luke 9:18
praying. An important part of God's revelation of himself (see note on 1:10). questioned. Jesus asked disciples about the public and their own understanding of his identity. The crowds honored Jesus by associating him with the prophets. But he was far more than a prophet (1:31-33).
Christ of God. Every hope and longing of the old covenant saints were realized in Jesus as the Christ, the Savior of Israel and world. The disciples' understanding was given by God (Matt. 16:17; 1 Cor. 2:3; 2 Cor. 4:4-6). But they still needed Jesus to further define the ministry of the Christ (v. 22).
Luke 9:21
The disciples had come to understand that Jesus is Christ. But they did not yet fully understand who the Christ is or what his ministry would be. Many people thought the Christ would be a political savior who would deliver ancient Israel from the Romans (see notes on 6:15; 23:2-5). Jesus forbade them to tell others about him until he better defined the Christ as a spiritual Savior (v. 22).
Luke 9:22
This verse describes what the Christ would be like. Jesus explained the essence of his ministry and the purpose for which he came into the world.
Son of Man. A title for Jesus (see note on 5:22-24).
suffer. Before he came to the cross, Jesus suffered many indignities. He was wrongly accused by his enemies (22:2; 23:1-5), betrayed by a friend (22:3-6, 47-48), blasphemed by his own people (22:63-65), abused by soldiers (23:11), and ridiculed by many (23:32-29).
rejected. A legal term used for something closely inspected and found lacking. The leadership of Israel rejected Jesus as the promised Christ (22:66; 1 Pet. 2:6-8).
killed. Jesus's death on the cross was the central act of his ministry. There, he died as a substitute for his people (John 10:11; 1 Pet. 3:18-20), brought forgiveness for their sin (Col. 1:13-14; Heb. 9:22), and secured their salvation (Rom. 3:21-26; Eph. 2:4-9; Col. 1:20).
raised. The cross was not the final act of Jesus's ministry. As promised, Jesus was raised back to life from the dead (John 2:18-22; Acts 2:27; 1 Cor. 15:4). This vindicated his ministry (Rom. 1:4; 1 Tim. 3:16) and overcame death for his people (Rom. 8:11; Heb. 2:14-15).
Luke 9:23
deny himself. Self-denial is central to Christian discipleship (Phil. 2:3-11). Believers seek to make Christ their King above everything else, even their own desires and comfort.
cross daily. The cross was a shameful instrument of death. Jesus died on a cross for his people to bring them to God (v. 22; Phil. 2:8; 1 Pet. 3:18). Symbolically, Jesus's disciples die on a cross. They do not die for salvation. They die to sin, selfishness, and safety (14:27; Acts 14:22; Gal. 2:20). This is an ongoing, even
daily, mindset and activity (see Rom. 8:5-14; 12:1-2).
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