Luke 8:41
leaders of the synagogue. Respected leaders who helped organize and lead activities in the synagogue (see Acts 13:15; 18:8, 17).
fell down . . . begged. A display of humble, desperate faith in Jesus.
Luke 8:43
bleeding for twelve years. The nature of her condition is uncertain. However, it would have made her ceremonially unclean (Lev. 15:25-31). She would have lived apart from the community's regular religious life and fellowship. Anyone who came in contact her would have also been unclean (Num. 5:1-4).
Luke 8:44
touched. Unlike others, Jesus was not made ceremonially unclean by the woman's touch. Instead, he brought healing to the woman.
Luke 8:45-46
During his time of earthly ministry Jesus did not exercise the fullness of his divine power (see Phil. 2:5-8).
Luke 8:47
trembling and fell down. Like Jairus (v. 41), this is evidence of her faith (v. 48).
Luke 8:48
Jesus called the woman out of the crowd to clarify what happened to her. Many were pressing in against him (vv. 42, 45), but only she was healed. Her
faith in Jesus set her apart from the others.
daughter. A term of affection that would have helped her feel her restoration to the community (see note on v. 43).
made you well. A term which is often used for salvation. The woman's physical healing pointed to a deeper, spiritual change.
Luke 8:50
Jesus comforted Jairus and encouraged him to
Luke 8:51
Peter and John and James. Three disciples who emerged as a smaller group of important leaders among the apostles (see 9:28).
Luke 8:52-53
The crowd believed that Jesus could heal the girl (vv. 40-42, 49). But they did not understand the power of Jesus even over death.
Luke 8:54
Touching a dead body made one ceremonially unclean (Num. 19:11). But, Jesus's holy power and authority reversed the direction of purification (5:13; 7:14-15). Jesus's touch sanctified and restored life.
Luke 8:55
spirit returned. A person's spirit continues to exist after death (see Luke 23:46; Acts 7:59). At the command of Jesus, the girl's spirit returned to her body (see 1 Kgs 17:21-22).
rose up . . . eat. Obvious evidence of the girl's restored life.
Luke 8:56
Jesus's instruction was very different from what he told the Gerasene man (v. 39). The man possessed by demons was in a Gentile area. This little girl lived in the Jewish area of Galilee. Many Jews had wrong ideas about the Christ's ministry. The miracles were signs meant to point to spiritual truths (11:14-23; Acts 2:22-36). He told the parents to
tell no one so the people better listen to his gospel preaching. This would allow them to understand Jesus's life and ministry as the Christ.
Preparation of the Twelve Apostles - Luke 9:1-50
Jesus sent the twelve apostles out to engage in ministry. After they returned, he continued to instruct them and engage in ministry with them.
Luke 9:1
the twelve. The twelve apostles. See note on 6:13.
power and authority. Power is the ability to do something while authority is the right to do something.
demons . . . diseases. Before this only Christ had the power and authority to cast out demons and heal. Here he extended that to the disciples. This was empowerment for their ministry (v. 2).
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