Luke 8:29
commanded. The demon's question (8:28) was a response to Jesus's authoritative command. He had begun to command the
unclean spirit to come out when it interrupted him.
many times. Speaks to the longtime suffering of this man under the demons.
chains and shackles . . . wilderness. Further ways the demon had disconnected this man from living a normal life (see note on 8:27).
Luke 8:30
name. Jesus is speaking to the possessed man, not the demon. Some say that Jesus needed to know the demon's name to have power over it. However, this is a pagan idea, not a biblical one.
"Legion". Jesus addressed the man, but the demon responded. This is not his name so much as a description of his influence over the man. Many demons have overtaken him. The term is also militaristic and means a group of approximately 6,000 Roman soldiers. The response reveals the spiritual combat is that taking place.
Luke 8:31
abyss. A deep pit (Deut. 8:7; Ps. 71:20), the realm of confinement for the dead (Rom. 10:7), or a place the wicked and demonic (Rev. 9:1-2; 20:1-3). See note on v. 28. See
BC 12.
Luke 8:32-34
In ancient Israel,
pigs were considered unclean (Lev. 11:7; Deut. 14:8). This made them a fitting place for the demons. Moreover, their destruction was proof that the
demons really
came out of the man. Luke makes no comment on the destruction of the pigs. Though this would have caused financial harm, the man's life was more valuable (see 9:25; 12:6-7). The main point is Jesus's authority over the demons.
Luke 8:35
Jesus fully reversed the man's physical and spiritual condition (vv. 27, 29).
Luke 8:37-39
Although the
people were gripped by
fear the man who had been freed from the demons was filled with faith. He was willing to follow Jesus anywhere, but was called to stay and tell others of his healing. The man is a model of faith and obedience for all Jesus's disciples.
Luke 8:40
crowd. The same Galilean crowd in 8:4, 19.
Luke 8:41
leaders of the synagogue. Respected leaders who helped organize and lead activities in the synagogue (see Acts 13:15; 18:8, 17).
fell down . . . begged. A display of humble, desperate faith in Jesus.
Luke 8:43
bleeding for twelve years. The nature of her condition is uncertain. However, it would have made her ceremonially unclean (Lev. 15:25-31). She would have lived apart from the community's regular religious life and fellowship. Anyone who came in contact her would have also been unclean (Num. 5:1-4).
Luke 8:44
touched. Unlike others, Jesus was not made ceremonially unclean by the woman's touch. Instead, he brought healing to the woman.
Luke 8:45-46
During his time of earthly ministry Jesus did not exercise the fullness of his divine power (see Phil. 2:5-8).
Luke 8:47
trembling and fell down. Like Jairus (v. 41), this is evidence of her faith (v. 48).
Luke 8:48
Jesus called the woman out of the crowd to clarify what happened to her. Many were pressing in against him (vv. 42, 45), but only she was healed. Her
faith in Jesus set her apart from the others.
daughter. A term of affection that would have helped her feel her restoration to the community (see note on v. 43).
made you well. A term which is often used for salvation. The woman's physical healing pointed to a deeper, spiritual change.
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