Luke 8:16-17
Jesus's teaching was like a lamp which brings light to spiritual darkness. It revealed truth and exposed sin. This is true of all God's word (see Pss. 97:11; 112:4; 119:105; 1 John 1:5).
Luke 8:18
One must
listen carefully to God's word, including Jesus's teaching (vv. 16-17). Those who hear and believe will be changed and receive more understanding (see Prov. 9:9). Those that treat God's word lightly will lose whatever understanding they had.
Luke 8:19
brothers were the sons born to Mary and Joseph after Jesus was born (see Matt. 1:25; Mark 6:3; John 2:12; 7:3, 5; Acts 1:14; 1 Cor. 9:5; Gal. 1:19).
Luke 8:20-21
Jesus was not disparaging his family, though they did not believe he was the Christ at this point (John 7:5; see Matt. 13:57; Acts 1:14). But Jesus is clear that the true family of God is characterized by those who obey God's word (see John 15:9-11; Jam. 2:17). These verses conclude Luke's emphasis on God's Word (vv. 1-21).
Luke 8:23
fell asleep. A subtle reminder of Jesus's humanity (see note on 1:35).
terrible windstorm. The geography of the Sea of the Galilee (v. 26) made sudden, unexpected storms common.
Luke 8:25
"Where is your faith?" After rebuking the storm (v. 24), Jesus rebuked the disciples. They followed him as a man sent from God. But they still lacked a true understanding of his person and work. Therefore, they did not fully trust him.
afraid . . . amazed. Jesus's identity started to become clearer. They knew that only God commanded the seas (Pss. 65:5-7; 89:8-9; 107:1-2, 23-29).
Who then is this…? A question Luke posed to his original readers. The question must be answered in every age by all who encounter Jesus through the Bible.
Luke 8:26
region of the Gerasenes. It is difficult to know exactly where this took place. Some manuscripts read "Gadarenes" here. It is best to see it as a largely Gentile area on the other side of the lake.
Luke 8:27
man . . . who had demons. The lifestyle of nakedness and living among the dead showed a person who had lost their senses of being a human. He was lost among the demonic influence (see note on v. 30).
Luke 8:28
The demon possessing this man recognized Jesus for who he really was.
Son of the Most High God. The answer to disciples' question about Jesus,
Who is this? (8:25). See note on 1:32.
torment. The demons knew their fate and recognize Jesus's authority (Jam. 2:19; 1 John 3:8). However, their time of destruction had not yet come (v. 31; Matt. 25:41; 2 Pet. 2:4; Rev. 20:10).
Luke 8:29
commanded. The demon's question (8:28) was a response to Jesus's authoritative command. He had begun to command the
unclean spirit to come out when it interrupted him.
many times. Speaks to the longtime suffering of this man under the demons.
chains and shackles . . . wilderness. Further ways the demon had disconnected this man from living a normal life (see note on 8:27).
Luke 8:30
name. Jesus is speaking to the possessed man, not the demon. Some say that Jesus needed to know the demon's name to have power over it. However, this is a pagan idea, not a biblical one.
"Legion". Jesus addressed the man, but the demon responded. This is not his name so much as a description of his influence over the man. Many demons have overtaken him. The term is also militaristic and means a group of approximately 6,000 Roman soldiers. The response reveals the spiritual combat is that taking place.
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