Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 8:1-14

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Luke 8:1

Summary statement about the nature and extent of Jesus's ministry (see 4:14-15; 4:34-44). kingdom of God. Jesus preached about God's reign and how sinners could receive salvation, forgiveness, and peace with God (7:48-50; see note on 4:43). The twelve. See notes on 6:13-16.

Luke 8:2-3

In addition to the twelve apostles (v. 1), several women travelled with Jesus as disciples. This was unusual in that time, but shows the basic equality of Jesus's disciples (Gal. 3:27-29). Mary. A faithful follower of Jesus, even through his death (Matt. 27:55-56), burial (23:55), and resurrection (24:1-10). She was likely called Magdalene because she was from the region of Magdala. Joanna. A wealthy woman who received the gospel. She may have been the source of Luke's information about Herod (see note on 3:1). Her inclusion also showed the extent of Jesus's ministry. Susana. Her only appearance in the Bible. provided. Jesus was poor. Some wealthy women financially supported him and his disciples during their time of travelling and teaching (see 10:7; Matt. 10:10; 1 Cor. 9:14; Gal. 6:6).

Luke 8:4

parable. A story that uses aspects of everyday life to illustrate spiritual truths.

Luke 8:5-8

Jesus described a farmer throwing seed on various kinds of soil. Each soil produced a different result. Later he explained the meaning of the parable (vv. 9-15) sow. Ancient farmers would carry a bag of seed and sow by throwing the seed by hand. rock. Several places in Israel had thin layers of limestone under the top soil.

Luke 8:8

has ears . . . let him hear. A call to respond to Jesus's teaching with faith and obedience (see 14:35; Matt. 11:15; 13:9, 43; Mark 4:9).

Luke 8:10

Large crowds would often begin to follow Jesus (v. 1). However, many in the crowds were more interested in seeing miracles than receiving the gospel. Jesus quoted from Isaiah (Isa. 6:9-10) to show that parables were sometimes used to hide spiritual truth from such people. God would judge hard-hearted people who didn't listen to his word by hardening them even further (John 3:17-19; 9:39-41; Rom. 1:18-23; 9:17-18; Acts 28:26-27). Yet, Jesus revealed the secrets of the kingdom to his disciples who were eager for his teaching (v. 9, 11-15).

Luke 8:11

The word of God is the focus of the parable. As it spreads, it takes roots in human hearts, and produces the kingdom despite many obstacles (vv. 12-13).

Luke 8:12

devil. The gospel undermines Satan's influence in the world (10:18). Thus, he works against gospel preaching. heard . . . believe . . . saved. Faith comes to people who hear God's word and believe (Rom. 10:14-17).

Luke 8:13

Those who have no root have no real faith (see Matt. 7:21-23; 15:8; Jam. 2:17). All who have true faith will never fall away (Phil. 1:6; 2 Thess. 3:3; 1 John 2:9; Jude 1, 24).

Luke 8:14

thorns. The Old Testament often relates thorns to idols (Jer. 4:3-4). Idols do not need to be literal statues of false gods. They can be anything we love and worship more than God (see 16:13; 1 Cor. 10:6-13; Col. 3:5; 1 John 5:20-21). This is especially true of the cares and riches and pleasures of this life (see 12:22).

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