Luke 4:34
Holy One of God. The demon understood Jesus's identity and feared him (see Jam. 2:19).
Luke 4:35-36
Jesus displayed the power of his authoritative word by silencing and calling out the demon (see v. 32, 41; 8:31; 10:17-18; 11:20). That authority over demons not only validated his preaching but signaled the arrival of God's kingdom (see Matt. 12:28).
Luke 4:35-36
Jesus displayed the power of his authoritative word by silencing and calling out the demon (see v. 32, 41; 8:31; 10:17-18; 11:20). That authority over demons not only validated his preaching but signaled the arrival of God's kingdom (see Matt. 12:28).
Luke 4:38-39
Simon. Simon Peter, the man who would become the leader of the apostles (6:14; Matt. 16:17-18).
mother-in-law. See 1 Cor. 9:5.
high fever. As before in his teaching and power over demons, Jesus reveals himself to be one with authority over the sickness itself (v. 40). With his rebuke, the woman didn't just start to get better, she was immediately healed. This healing probably helped prepare Simon to accept Jesus's call to follow him (5:1-11).
Luke 4:40-41
Luke made a point of distinguishing between physical sickness and disease and demonic afflictions. Not all infirmities are spiritual in nature (see 9:1-2; 13:10-17; Matt. 8:16-17).
Luke 4:41
he was the Christ. Jesus's identity would eventually be revealed and proclaimed throughout the world (see 24:44-47; Acts 1:8, 2:36). However, at this time, there was too much misunderstanding about who the Christ would be. Jesus needed to slowly show people that he was bringing salvation from sins, not simply liberation from Rome (see Mark 10:42-45; John 18:36-37).
Luke 4:42
solitary place. Jesus would regularly withdraw from the crowds for fellowship with God (5:15-16; 6:12; Matt. 14:23; Mark 1:35; 6:45-46).
tried to keep him. How different the response here than in Nazareth (vv. 28-30)!
Luke 4:43
I must also preach. Jesus's ministry could not be reduced to healings and good deeds (v. 40). God sent him to preach the gospel of God's kingdom (v. 18; 9:2; Mark 1:15). The kingdom is about God's reign over the hearts and lives of people, not a physical land. Through faith in Christ, this kingdom is both a present reality and future hope (11:2, 14-22; 13:22-30; 16:16; 17:20-21; 22:16-18). Because the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16), it must be preached in every age.
Luke 5:1
crowding . . . listening. Jesus's powerful and authoritative ministry created in people a hunger for God's word (4:31-44).
Gennesaret. Also known as the Sea of Galilee. Gennesaret was the area around the northwest side of the Sea. Thus, the name of the area often extended to the name of the Sea (see Num. 34:11).
word of God. Often refers to the gospel message (Acts 8:12, 14).
Luke 5:2-3
Because the crowd was eager, Jesus decided to teach from a boat (see Mark 4:1-2). Luke emphasized the importance of God's word.
Luke 5:4
Simon. Later named Peter (v. 8; 6:14). Jesus had recently healed his mother-in-law (4:38-39). In this passage (vv.3-11), he is representative of the other disciples. let down your nets. Fishing in this day was done using dragnets. Those large nets were shaped like semi-circles, stretched over 100 ft. in length. The fishermen would cast out the nets and let them sink into the water to catch fish. These full, heavy nets would then be pulled back up into the boat.
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