Luke 4:12
Jesus quoted Deut. 6:16 as a command that he should obey and as a rebuke to the devil. Believers should never try to force God to show his love. This is especially true for Christians who enjoy the ultimate display of the Father's love (8:31-39).
Luke 4:13
he went away. The devil's response to those that resist his schemes (Jam. 4:7; see Eph. 4:27; 6:11; 1 Pet. 5:8-9).
until another time. Satan would remain active during Jesus life and ministry (8:12; 10:17-18; 11:14-22; 13:11-17; 22:28). However, he would not again directly challenge Jesus until his arrest, trial, and crucifixion (22:3, 31, 53). See
WLC 48.
Jesus' Ministry in Galilee - Luke 4:14-9:50
Though Jesus previously ministered in Capernaum (4:23), Luke presented the beginning of his public ministry in Galilee (see notes on 1:3). The beginning of Jesus's ministry was marked by authority in preaching, healing, and casting out demons (4:14-44). He also called his disciples, who were a paradigm for the new people of God (5:1–6:16) and explained what life in God's kingdom should look like (6:17-49). While some followed Jesus others rejected him (7:1–9:50).
Sermon at Nazareth - Luke 4:14-30
Only reported by Luke, Jesus declared his mission to those at his hometown synagogue. In doing so, he explained the gospel he would preach (vv. 18-19). It was a time of great grace (v. 22) as well as judgment (vv. 23-27) as he was ultimately rejected there (vv. 28-29).
Luke 4:14-19
HC 31.
Luke 4:14
returned to Galilee. After Jesus's baptism and temptation, Jesus returned to his home region (1:26).
power of the Spirit. Jesus's empowerment of the Spirit was not new or temporary. The Spirit's power filled Jesus's entire life and ministry (1:35; 3:22; 4:1), especially and essentially in his teaching (v. 15).
Luke 4:15
teach. In his ministry as the Christ, Jesus healed diseases, cast out demons, trained disciples, and confronted the false spiritual leaders in Israel. But the heart of his ministry leading up to the cross was preaching and teaching God's word (see 4:32, 6:46-49; Matt. 7:28-29; Mark 1:15).
synagogues. These gatherings do not appear in the Old Testament. They most likely began during Israel's exile when the people were cut off from the temple as the central place of worship. A normal synagogue gathering consisted of a recitation of the Shema (Deut. 6:4-9), prayers, readings from the Law and Prophets, followed by a priestly blessing and an exposition of Scripture.
praised. A word usually used of God alone. By using it here, Luke emphasized Jesus's deity.
Luke 4:16-21
WCF 21.6;
WLC 117;
WSC 60.
Luke 4:16
Nazareth. The town in Galilee where Jesus was raised (v. 23; 1:26; 2:4, 39, 51; Mark 1:24). Luke reminded his readers of this fact, highlighting the rejection Jesus faced (vv. 28-29).
custom. Any qualified man in the group could get up and read. Luke indicated Jesus regularly attended and participated in the synagogue services. On this occasion, Jesus's reputation had gone before him after preaching (v. 15). There was probably a sense of expectation in the group when Jesus got up to read (vv. 20-22).
Luke 4:17
found the place. Luke records specific texts that Jesus found and read (Isa. 61:1-2a; 58:6). Implied is his intimate familiarity with the Scriptures (see Ps. 119:10-11, 15-16).
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