Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on Luke 1:36-55

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Luke 1:36-37

relative. Can indicate a close relative like a sister or cousin as well as a kinswomen of the same tribe. conceived. The angel told Mary of Elizabeth's supernatural pregnancy (vv. 13-17). It was a sign to encourage Mary's faith. Given her age and former barrenness, it was evidence that nothing will be impossible for God.

Luke 1:38

servant of the Lord. Mary served as an example of true faith. Despite the shocking news it brought, she believed and obeyed God's word (see 22:42).

Luke 1:41

jumped. Even as an unborn child, John was so full of the Spirit (v. 15), that he joyfully recognized the presence of Jesus's mother. He was already preparing the way for Messiah (vv. 17, 76). filled with the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth was so filled by God the Spirit that she was moved to worship God the Father because of God the Son (vv. 42-45).

Luke 1:42

Blessed. Mary was most blessed among women because of the blessedness of her son. See WLC 37; WSC 22; BC 18.

Luke 1:45

Mary is blessed for carrying the Messiah (vv. 42-43). She is also blessed for her faith to believe the promises of God.

Luke 1:46-55

Mary's song of praise and thanksgiving is a collection of Scripture references. She prayed Scripture back to God. She made several allusions to the Psalms as well as portions of Genesis, Job, Isaiah, Micah. She modeled the basic form of her prayer after Hannah's prayer who was also given a son by the Lord (1 Sam. 1:11; 2:1-10). Her commitment to treasuring God's word in her heart (Ps. 119:11) is a sign of her evident godliness. See HC 122.

Luke 1:46-47

praises. Mary magnifies the Lord's greatness. This has been revealed in the way he sent the Messiah into the world. savior. Mary is not sinless. Part of her joy in God comes from the salvation he gave to her.

Luke 1:48

low condition. Mary was a young woman from an unimportant town. She was not great according to the world, yet God chose to use her to bring Jesus into the world. all generations. Mary would not be forgotten as the mother of Jesus (v. 42).

Luke 1:49

mighty. The Lord is a powerful warrior who gives great victories to his people (see Pss. 45:3-5; 120:4; Zeph. 3:17). His name is holy. God's holiness is displayed in his character as well as his righteous acts (see Ps. 111:9).

Luke 1:50

fear. Fearing God is part of worshipping him (Ps. 103:17). It is acknowledging who he is, which leads to living reverently and obediently towards him (see Gen. 22:12; Prov. 9:10; Acts 9:31; 10:2; 13:16).

Luke 1:51-55

A key theme in Luke's writing is reversal. Those that are lowly are exalted and those who are exalted are brought low. This is the Lord's working as he displays his power and reveals salvation, which is God's victory over his enemies (4:18; 6:20-22; 7:22; 14:13, 21).

Luke 1:54-55

See BC 18.

Luke 1:54

Israel his servant. Echoes the Servant Songs from Isa. 50–55. Just as Israel was often called God's servant, so Jesus would be the perfect Servant. He would fulfill the work of trusting and obeying God, bringing salvation even to the Gentiles (Isa. 49:6).

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