Luke 1:28
highly favored. Mary is the recipient of God's grace (v. 30). Despite her lowly status as an unmarried woman in an unimportant town, God blessed her (see 1 Cor. 1:26-27). Moreover, he would be
with her through her time of carrying the Messiah (vv. 31-33).
Luke 1:31-33
Gabriel described the uniqueness of the son's person and work.
Jesus. Greek form of the Hebrew name Yehoshua, which means
the Lord is salvation (see 2:11; Matt. 1:21).
great. Unlike John who was great in the sight of the Lord (v. 15), Jesus is great without qualification (Mic. 5:4).
Son of the Most High. Most High is a title for God (Gen. 14:18). Unlike John who is a prophet of the Most High (v. 76), Jesus is a Son. Beyond an implicit affirmation of Jesus's divine nature (v. 35), this was his title as Messiah. Jesus fulfilled all four aspects of Nathan's prophetic announcement. As the Messiah, Jesus will have a
great name (2 Sam. 7:13), a
throne of David (2 Sam. 7:13), divine sonship (2 Sam. 7:14), and an eternal
kingdom (2 Sam. 7:16). See
WCF 8.2;
BC 21, 27.
Luke 1:34
Unlike Zechariah's response, Mary did not doubt the truthfulness of the promise. She only wondered about
how it would come about. Gabriel answered her without rebuke (v. 35).
Luke 1:35
Some have argued the idea of a virgin conception is based on parallels from pagan myths. However, the so-called parallels are typically manufactured by those looking to find them. Most "virgin conception" stories promoted as parallels to the biblical account refer to encounters between gods and women in which the woman was a virgin before the encounter but not after.
Holy Spirit. God's Spirit and power generated the human son, Jesus.
will come over you. Luke used the same word in the Greek version of the Old Testament (called the Septuagint or LXX) for God's overshadowing the temple (Exod. 40:35). Previously, God displayed his power and presence in a glorious cloud over the completed temple. Here he would display himself in the person of Jesus.
Son of God. A messianic title (see 4:41; Acts 9:20, 22) that had greater implications for Jesus as God in the flesh (John 1:14). One should not conclude that God the Son was created at this moment. Instead, the human body of Jesus was created for the incarnation of the Son (see John 1:1, 14, 18; Phil. 2:5-7; Heb. 1:3; 10:5). See
WCF 8.2;
WLC 36, 37;
WSC 21, 22;
BC 9, 18;
HC 35.
Luke 1:36-37
relative. Can indicate a close relative like a sister or cousin as well as a kinswomen of the same tribe.
conceived. The angel told Mary of Elizabeth's supernatural pregnancy (vv. 13-17). It was a sign to encourage Mary's faith. Given her age and former barrenness, it was evidence that
nothing will be impossible for God.
Luke 1:38
servant of the Lord. Mary served as an example of true faith. Despite the shocking news it brought, she believed and obeyed God's word (see 22:42).
Luke 1:41
jumped. Even as an unborn child, John was so full of the Spirit (v. 15), that he joyfully recognized the presence of Jesus's mother. He was already preparing the way for Messiah (vv. 17, 76).
filled with the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth was so filled by God the Spirit that she was moved to worship God the Father because of God the Son (vv. 42-45).
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