Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on 2 John 1:7-13

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In the flesh - 2 John 1:7

in the flesh, antichrist. See notes on 1 Jn. 2:18-19; 4:2-3. One of the key marks of Christian identity is a clear confession of apostolic Christology. In his first letter, John described those who do not believe Jesus has come from God in the flesh are not born of God, but are anti-Christ (see notes on 1 John 4:1-3). Their denial of the incarnation negates Jesus' mission to give himself as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of his people (see notes on 1 Jn. 1:7; 2:2; 3:5; 4:10). Those false confessors who left the fellowship and "went out into the world" are still trying to deceive the faithful.

Lose reward- 2 John 1:8

lose, reward. See BC 24. John is concerned, not that church members will lose their salvation, rather, that they will lose rewards in heaven (see notes on Matt. 6:20; Mk. 9:41; Lk. 19:16-19). Having worked so hard together to cultivate their congregation in the ways of Christ, they could compromise their congregation if they allow the false teachers to lead other people astray. Some Greek manuscripts say what we have worked for, as John has worked hard with them to build this community. He does not want them to lose the ground they have gained through well-intentioned but harmful practical support offered to false teachers in the form of hospitality.

2 John 1:9-10

See WCF 10.4.

Runs ahead - 2 John 1:9

goes on ahead. The teaching of John's opponents may have offered a "further and deeper spirituality" than John's gospel. But John's imagery warns readers they should not leave behind the gospel they heard from eyewitnesses in the beginning. John's point here is to urge his readers to resist false teaching that separates knowing God the Father from knowing his Son, Jesus Christ (see notes on 1 Jn. 5:12-13). On Father and Son, see note on Jn. 14:23. Both the Father and the Son indwell a Christian through the Holy Spirit.

False teachers - 2 John 1:10-11

See WCF 20.4. In these verses, John is telling his readers how they can practically deal with itinerant false teachers. In ancient culture, travelers depended on hospitality from family and friends. However, by accepting a person into their home, a host would be saying to the rest of the community that their guest was worthy of respect. John warns his readers not to host false teachers who are trying to disrupt and deceive Christian communities.

Do not receive false teachers - 2 John 1:10

do not receive. See BC 7. From the beginning, Christian missionaries have depended on the hospitality of others (see notes on Matt. 10:9-14 and 3 Jn 5-6). Some travelling philosophers would charge fees for their teaching, but Christians normally demonstrated practical support by providing food and lodging. However, John establishes a policy to turn away known false teachers.

Shares in his wicked work - 2 John 1:11

greets, participates. The Christian community should be known for welcoming strangers (see notes on Matt. 10:11-14; 1 Tim. 5:10; 1 Pet. 4:8-10; Rom. 12:13; Heb. 13:2), but not people who are known as false teachers. To do so, according to John is equivalent to partnering in their work. Moreover, the strength of this warning may also be because the word house could reference a church (see notes on Rom. 16:5; 1 Cor. 16:19; Col. 4:15).

Closing Remarks - 2 John 1:12-13

John ends his letter by talking about his strong desire to speak with his readers "face to face" in order to complete the joy of his fellowship with them.

Paper and ink - 2 John 1:12

paper and ink, face to face. Our idiom, face to face, is different in the Graeco-Roman world as the text reads, "mouth to mouth" (see note on Num. 12:8). The word paper is referring to papyrus. This papyrus was made from reeds providing an affordable writing surface. A pen would be made from a reed with a pointed end. Writers dipped this into ink, which was made from charcoal, vegetable gum, and water. This ending is very similar to the ending of 3 John, demonstrating the priority of in-person communication in the ancient world .

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