General Epistles and Revelation (Q&A)

146 Q&A results for: General Epistles and Revelation

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Noah, Baptism, and Hell - 1 Peter 3:18-22

Does baptism save us? And did Jesus preach in hell? - 1 Peter 3:18-21

Topics: General Epistles and RevelationBiblical TheologyApologetics

Make Your Calling and Election Sure - 2 Peter 1:10

If God's election is sure (Rom. 8:29-30), then why do we need to make it sure? (2 Pet.1:10). Wherein is our assurance of salvation?

Topics: General Epistles and RevelationBiblical TheologySalvation

Is it Possible Not to Sin?

Is it possible not to sin? (1 John 3:9, KJV)

Topics: General Epistles and RevelationBiblical TheologySalvation

Calvinism and Revelation 3:5?

Doesn't Revelation 3:5 disprove eternal security?

Topics: General Epistles and RevelationBiblical TheologyApologetics

Keep Yourselves from Idols

"Little children, keep yourselves from idols." I see the command in 1 John 5:21, but how do I do it?

Topics: Biblical TheologyGeneral Epistles and RevelationMan

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