T. Austin-Sparks

Theodore Austin-Sparks (18881971), usually known as "T. Austin-Sparks" or just "TAS", was a British Christian evangelist and author. Born in London in 1888, Mr. Austin-Sparks was sent as a boy to live in Scotland with his father's relatives. It was there that he became a Christian at the age of 17 while listening to a group of young street-preachers in Glasgow. Within a short time, he too was giving his public testimony with this band of young people. He was ordained as a Baptist pastor at the age of 24, and from 1912 to 1926 led three congregations in Greater London. During these years, he was also closely related to Jessie Penn-Lewis and her publication and speaking ministry, the "Overcomer Testimony". In 1926, T. Austin-Sparks resigned his Baptist ordination. Together with like-minded Christians, he established a conference and training center at Honor Oak in southeast London. A great number of Christians participated in conferences and classes at the center while staying at available guest quarters, some living there years at a time participating in Bible courses, practical services and church meetings. There was a similar, but smaller center maintained during the summer at Kilgreggan House in Scotland. From the Christian Fellowship Centre, Austin-Sparks and his co-workers also ran a publishing operation which printed a bi-monthly magazine, A Witness and a Testimony (published from 1923 until the death of Austin-Sparks in 1971), and books either written by Austin-Sparks or edited from transcripts of his recorded messages. Among the many books which he wrote, at least three are regarded as Christian classics: The School of Christ, The Centrality and Supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ and We Beheld His Glory. The primary theme of Sparks' books is the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ. His speaking ministry took him around Europe, North America and Asia holding major conferences in the United Kingdom, United States, Switzerland, Taiwan, the Philippines and elsewhere. Many of his spoken messages were recorded and a great number of audio tapes and books are available to this day. He was insistent that his writings and tapes should not be copyrighted and as a result they are still freely available today. In spite of not copyrighting his messages, he was particular about them being reproduced word for word as originally spoken or written by him. T. Austin-Sparks died in 1971

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The Greatness of the Cross

By: T. Austin-Sparks

Volume 9, Number 6 (2/4/2007, to 2/10/2007)

Format: Webpage

Topics: ChristSalvation

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