Dr. Stephen Um

Stephen Um (Ph.D., University of St. Andrews) is the senior minister of Citylife Presbyterian Church in Boston, MA. He teaches New Testament studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, serves as a Council member with The Gospel Coalition, and is Associate Training Director for Redeemer City to City. For the past 23 years, Stephen and his wife, have been involved in several Presbyterian Churches throughout the Northeastern part of the country. He is the author of The Kingdom of God (TGC Booklet) and the forthcoming Why Cities Matter (Crossway, 2013). He is a graduate of Phillips Academy at Andover, and Boston University where he read Sociology and Philosophy. After receiving a call to ministry, he entered Seminary at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where he received an M. Div. and a post-graduate degree (Th.M.) in Biblical Theology. He received his Ph.D. in New Testament studies at St. Mary's College (University of St. Andrews) in Scotland. Since the beginning of 2002, Dr. Um has been teaching New Testament studies as a Lecturer for Gordon-Conwell and Covenant Theological Seminaries. He has also taught as a visiting Lecturer of Ethics at Emerson College. Stephen and his wife, Kathleen, have three children, Nol, Adeline, and Charlotte

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Preaching Narratives

What is story completion, and how does it help us preach through the narrative sections of scripture?

Topics: InterpretationHistorical BooksInterpretation

Preaching the Law

How does the concept of law reception help us preach through commands and other legal portions of Scripture?

Topics: Pastoral MinistryPentateuch

Theme Resolution in Applying Scripture

What do you mean by theme resolution, and how can it help our preaching?

Topics: Pastoral MinistryBiblical Theology

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