Dr. Steve Blakemore

Dr. Steve Blakemore is the Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Wesley Biblical Seminary. He served in pastoral ministry 18 years, as well as having been a college chaplain. Throughout his ministry he has preached, lectured, and taught a variety of audiences: camp meetings, revivals, pastors schools, college courses, seminary lectures, youth conferences and camps, and college conventions. Additionally, he has enjoyed the pleasure of a modest ministry of music as a vocalist across the years in many of these same settings. Dr. Blakemore is also one of the co-founders of Resurrection, an annual winter youth convention held in Gatlinburg, TN that was launched in 1986. Each year over 13,000 young people and their counselors from the southeastern United States attend this convention, which is focused on evangelism and the call to radical discipleship. Dr. Blakemore joined the faculty of Wesley Biblical Seminary in 2000 because of his conviction that, as Fyodor Dostoyevsky insisted, ideas have consequences. He sees his calling as a Christian philosopher to be more than a scholarly endeavor. It is also a task carried out for the love of God's Church in the world. He endeavors to think deeply about both the Faith delivered once to all the saints and how to communicate this faith and practice it in ministry to the contemporary world. A native of southwestern Virginia, Dr. Blakemore was reared in the small mountain coal-mining town named Appalachia. It was there that he says he "learned lifes most important truths from godly Methodist parents, surrounded by of some of the greatest folksneighbors and friendsI have ever known." Most significantly, Steve is married to Carolyn Berg-Blakemore and they have four sons.

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Jesus' Enthronement

How should the fact that Jesus is now enthroned in heaven affect the way we live and worship?

Topics: Christ

Hope and Love in the Book of Revelation

What comfort can we find in the Book of Revelation?

Topics: General Epistles and RevelationLast Days

Scripture as Our Foundational Starting Point for Theology

Why is it so important to submit to the authority of Scripture?

Topics: InterpretationInterpretation

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