Dr. Gordon Isaac

Dr. Isaac brings a diverse theological background (having studied at a holiness seminary, a Lutheran seminary and a Jesuit university), expertise in the Reformation, and extensive study of Martin Luther to his position at Gordon-Conwell. An expert in Reformation studies and Martin Luther, Dr. Isaac studied under an internationally known Luther scholar at Marquette and wrote his dissertation on Luthers expositions of Psalm 90. Until 2002, he was the Associate Editor of Luther Digest and has read papers on Luther at the Sixteenth-Century Studies Conference, The Lutheran Seminary in Kobe, Japan, and at the International Luther Congress. He has also traveled on occasion to Germany to study and research. Teaching in the area of Christian Thought has allowed Dr. Isaacs wide interests to be expressed through courses on Martin Luther, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Great Confessions of the Faith, Popular Religion in Nineteenth-Century America, the Anabaptists, and other courses that regularly appear in the Church History sequence. In 2004, Dr. Isaac served as the Fellow at the Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research, Collegeville, Minnesota. He is also active in the Advent Christian denomination and has served as Interim Pastor at Advent Christian churches in Massachusetts and Maine. His present research interests include Luthers theological method, specifically Luthers three rules for doing proper theology: prayer, meditation, and spiritual trial (oratio, meditatio, tentatio). A book length study on this topic is in preparation. Hobbies include travel (especially in Germany), gardening and international cooking.

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