Dr. Ghassan Khalaf

Dr. Ghassan Khalaf held a PhD. from Evangelical Theological Faculty, Leuven, Belgium. He authrored blooks including Greek-Arabic New Testament Concordance, Lebanon in the Bible, The Syntactic Meanings of the Adnominal Genitive in the Pauline Corpus, and Jesus and Judaism, as well as several other Christian books and biographies. He served as translator and editor to several New Testament translation projects from Greek into Arabic, A Handbook to the Bible (Lions), and chief translation editor into Arabic for BS & MECC publication. His areas of specialization were New Testament, ethics, hermeneutics, and Greek language.

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Loving the Scriptures

How can we remain emotionally engaged with the text of Scripture when we make it an object of academic study?

Topics: Interpretation

The Spiritual Condition of the Interpreter

How does the spiritual condition of an interpreter affect his or her ability to interpret the Bible?

Topics: Interpretation

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