Dr. Erika Moore

Dr. Erika Moore is Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Trinity School for Ministry. She is a graduate of Wheaton College in 1979 and received an MA from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1984 as well as a PhD 2003. Her research interests include the implications of 20th century archaeological discoveries for the doctrine of Scripture; the implications of apostolic use of Second Temple interpretive methods and traditions for hermeneutics; messianic expectation in Hellenistic Judaism, especially as it relates to the Septuagint; the pastoral implications of Ezekiels four visions; the relationship between Zechariah 9-14 and the synoptic Passion narratives

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Theological Viewpoints in the Pentateuch

Why do so many people believe there are contradictory theological viewpoints in the Pentateuch?

Topics: Pentateuch

The Critical Mindset and the Pentateuch

Critical approaches to the Pentateuch often assume that all ancient religious beliefs as lower, less evolved forms of religion. How should evangelicals evaluate this critical mindset?

Topics: Pentateuch

Moses' Use of Written Sources

Did Moses use any written documents as sources for the content of the Pentateuch?

Topics: PentateuchGod

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