Dr. Craig Ott

Dr. Ott occupies the ReachGlobal Chair of Mission, which was established to link the mission agency and seminary, integrating mission theory and practice. His particular fields of expertise include theology of mission, contextualization, and church planting. He formerly served twenty-one years in Germany with ReachGlobal (formerly the EFCA International Mission). He has planted churches in Schaumburg, Illinois, and in Munich, Ingolstadt, Neumarkt, and Markt Indersdorf, Germany. From 1995 to 2002 Dr. Ott served as Central Europe Church Planting Consultant for ReachGlobal, and from 1998 to 2002 he taught at the Akademie f�r Weltmission in Korntal, Germany, where he continues to teach regularly as an adjunct professor. He has also served since 1994 as adjunct faculty at Theologische Hochschule Ewersbach (Germany). He has taught or consulted national and mission leaders in forty different countries. Dr. Ott and his wife Alice live in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, and have three grown sons. His hobbies include bicycling, film, and guitar.

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D-Day and VE-Day in Inaugurated Eschatology

What is inaugurated eschatology?

Topics: Last Days

The Protoevangelion: God Seeking the Lost

What is the significance of what theologians call the protoevangelion in Genesis 3:15?

Topics: PentateuchBiblical TheologyLast Days

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