id: 0; n2:
- John Murray (NICNT = New International Commentary on the New Testament,
1965) - superb treatment by an evangelical & Reformed systematician
who has absorbed Vos.
- C.E.B. Cranfield, esp. the longer 2 vol. version in the International
Critical Commentary Series (1979).
- J.D.G. Dunn (WBC = Word Biblical Commentary, 1988).
- Barth (Oxford, 1933) - OK, OK, don't get excited. Sure, this book is
the keynote address of the neo-orthodox movement. But it is also a clarion
call away from the rosy, romantic humanism of 19th century liberalism back
to the world of the Bible, specifically to the world of Paul. A heady and
vibrant read.
- Käsemann (Eerdmans, 1980)- again, huge problems theologically.
Käsemann was one of Bultmann's best students. Nonetheless, there are
penetrating insights into the logic of Romans here.