Oddly, I'm still waiting for a modern commentary on Galatians that profoundly
grabs me (though I must admit there are some I simply haven't had time to
take a good look at).
- M. Silva - Explorations in Exegetical Method: Galatians as a Test
Case (Baker, 1996) - the title says it all. Silva's working on a commentary
for BECNT, which should be great when it comes out.
- Dunn (BNTC = Black's New Testament Commentary, 1993); see also his
Theology of Paul's Letter to the Galatians (Cambridge, 1993).
- H.D. Betz (Hermeneia, 1979) - presently, the standard critical commentary;
heavily commited to interpretation via ancient writers on rhetoric.
- F.F. Bruce (NIGTC = New International Greek Testament Commentary, 1982)
- Timothy George (New American, 1994) - a reformed baptist; solid guy;
the commentary shows a strong sense of the history of exegesis.
- Luther - OK, as Westerholm observes, Martin may not have understood
1st century Judaism, but you're kidding yourself if you think you can understand
Paul without him. Luther's Commentary on Galatians Online