Recommended Commentaries

  • B. Witherington, Conflict & Community in Corinth (Eerdmans, 1995) - treats both Corinthian letters.
  • G. Fee (1 Corinthians, NICNT, 1987) - Fee is an extraordinarily gifted exegete.
  • Conzelmann (1 Corinthians, Hermeneia, 1975) - the standard critical commentary good on background information, but dispensable if you have Witherington.
  • P.E. Hughes (2 Corinthians, NICNT, 1962) - an eminently worthy and weighty commentary by a prince of a Reformed theologian (even though he did goof up on annihilationism late in life) - Hughes did the 2Cor notes in the NIV Study Bible (one of the principal merits of that study Bible, by the way).
  • V.P. Furnish (2 Corinthians, Anchor, 1984) - rather less theological than Hughes, but well attuned to the social world of the letter.