2 Corinthians: Purpose

Second Corinthians is a letter that Paul used to encourage and affirm this ambitious church he had founded in Corinth. He wanted them to see his example of courage and self-sacrificing love. They had received his first letter well and according to Titus's report Paul had much to boast and rejoice about concerning their eagerness to grow. A reoccurring theme in this epistle is that of the sufficiency we can find in God in the midst of our own personal weakness. It is His power rather than our strength that allows us to both endure and triumph in the Christian life. Paul was unable to go to Corinth due to circumstances beyond our knowledge, but what we do know is that Paul felt that the opposition that had risen against the believers was substantial enough for him to retort and schedule a future visit. He not only makes a careful account and assessment of the conflict, but he spends a significant amount of time proving his own authority and the position they ought to take in defense of the gospel.