Exile and Restoration

How are Old Testament themes of exile and restoration fulfilled now in the continuation of God's kingdom?

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Well, I think as the kingdom continues to expand in the world, there's still a further re-gathering and restoration in that people are being called from every tribe and tongue and nation. Of course, in the book of Revelation that's what we look forward to, being around the throne with people from every tribe and tongue and nation. So, I think we see in that, that the gospel is going forward, and there is a restoration, because what's the goal of the restoration? Ultimately, it was not just for the Jews to be back in the land, but to be back with God, their God. And now, this Jewish God is being proclaimed by Christian missionaries throughout the world, and the nations are being brought in, and the gospel is going forward, and I think that's where we see this restoration taking place.

Answer by Pastor Doug McConnell

Pastor Doug McConnell is the main preaching pastor of Living Hope Church in Grantsburg, WI.