Annihilationism Error: Hebrew Word Definition Charts


What do the Hebrew and Greek words means in reference to the false doctrine of Annihilationism?


Some "teachers" are twisting, turning, and torturing many words in the Hebrew and Greek language and stating that they mean "total annihilation or nothingness" - "ceasing to even exist," as they relate to the Doctrine of Hell.

Regarding the Doctrine of Hell,
there are no words in the entire of Scripture that can be accurately
translated as "total absolute annihilation;" not one.

Throughout the Bible, Hebrew and Greek words interpreted as "destroy," "destruction," "perish," "kill," and "death," as they relate to Hell, never mean "to go into absolute nothingness or oblivion," but rather they mean "eternal" or "forever and ever" ongoing "everlasting" conscious "destruction" (Phil 3:19; 1 Thess 5:3; 2 Thess 1:9; 2:8; Rev 14:11; 20:10-15, et. ). The "gloom of utter darkness" (Jude 1:13; cf. 1:6) refers to being cut off entirely from God, who is "light" (John 1:9; 8:12; 1 Tim 6:16; Jas 1:17; 1 John 1:5; cf. Isa 9:2; John 3:20; Acts 26:18; 1 Thess 5:5). The word "gloom" in Jude 1:13 refers to "a state of depression or despondency." To be in a "state of depression" one must be alive!

Words such as "cut off" (Exod 31:14-15; Lev 23:29-30; Rom 11:22, 24; Gal 5:12, etc.) also do not mean "absolute nothingness," as even Jesus was "cut off" (Dan 9:26) and is alive "forevermore" (Rev 1:18). Many times the word "cut off" simply means to be cut off from Israel, its congregation, etc., (Exod 12:15, 19; 30:33, 38; 31:14; Lev 7:20, 21, 25, 27; 17:4, 10, 14; 18:29; 19:8; 23:29; Num 19:13, etc.).

One of the most celebrated defenses of Annihilationism has been from Psalm 37:20, "the wicked...they vanish-like smoke they vanish away." Sounds convincing, right? However what is the Psalm really about? The Psalm itself is not even dealing with Hell; Psalm 37:20 refers to that the fact the success, fame, and prosperity of the wicked is as temporary as mere smoke. However, let's say we desire to apply the passage to Hell anyway - we shouldn't, but since Annihilationist's already have, let's review their case from their faulty perspective. Since "smoke" is an important theme here, we should ask the obvious question, "What is smoke?" Smoke is made of two basic things: (1) little drops of water and (2) ash. First, ash can't burn! Second, the reason smoke appears to vanish away is that, as the smoke rises: (1) the droplets of liquid water change states into gas and (2) the ash joins the dust in the atmosphere. Therefore, both elements in smoke still exist, but just in different states. Therefore, there is no total annihilation!

As the reader will observe, in the Old Testament notes below there're many that refer to "physical destruction, not eternal destruction" (i.e."devoted to destruction," or "curse;" Deut 2:34; 3:6; Judg 21:11; cf. Gal 1:8-9). Please understand that in these notes, we're not saying that those who died did or did not go to Hell or Heaven (that's another topic), but simply the context of the verse is speaking of only "physical destruction," which carries with it the idea of stopping, scattering, putting to flight, and up to and including physical death, etc. Yet, some of the "spin doctors" of the false doctrine of Annihilationism desire to use these examples of "physical destruction" and apply it to "eternal destruction." However, unless otherwise revealed in Scripture, this is not a proper application; as the Bible speaks of two different types of bodies (one that is able to die; the other is not; 1 Cor 15:44, 53) and two different types of death (one temporal and one eternal; Matt 10:28). Besides, the physical body in this world is never totally annihilated anyway; it returns to the dust from which it came (Gen 2:7; Eccl 3:20; 12:7; Psa 103:14; Isa 40:15). In addition, if we follow the Annhilationist's interpretation as such to its logical conclusion, than the wicked can send the righteous to total annhilation (absolute non-existence); 'if they totally annihilate me, they totally annhilate mel' (Est 4:16, etc.) - which is ludicrous, as the righteous know that "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" (2 Cor 5:8). Please see "An Eternal Hell is for Real; the Heresyof Annihilationism?" below.

There are words however in Hebrew that may be translated as "annihilate." However, when regarding the Doctrine of Hell, even they do not mean "total absolute obliteration." As the reader will discover, a word may be translated in numerous ways depending upon its context. Hopefully, these charts will serve as an aid to help keep people from the "spin zone" of false teachers (Matt 7:15; Acts 20:28-30; 2 Tim 4:3-4; 2 Pet 2:1).

The charts below are divided into three sections: (1) text; (2) translation; and (3) comments.

Hebrew Charts

Hebrew word "machaq" = may mean annihilate, but in context:

Translation Comments
Judg 5:26
crushed physical destruction, not eternal

Hebrew word "shasha" = may mean annihilate, but in context:

Translation Comments
Ezek 39:2
drive lead him about at his pleasure,
and bring him out of it

Hebrew word "abad" = may mean annihilate, but in context:

Translation Comments
Exod 10:7
is destroyed? though under God's curse, Egypt still exited;
even when Pharaoh's army was drowned in
Red Sea, others remained in Egypt
Lev 23:30
I will destroy regarding physical destruction, not eternal
Lev 26:38
But you will perish reference to among the nations;
up to physical destruction (enemies, flight, sword, Lev 26:34-39),
not eternal
Num 16:33
them, and they perished reference to Sheol (grave); physical
destruction, not eternal
Num 17:12
we are dying regarding physical destruction, not eternal
dying regarding physical destruction, not eternal
Num 21:9
You are ruined reference to Moab
Num 21:30
is ruined regarding physical destruction in cities, not eternal
Num 24:19
And will destroy regarding physical destruction (war in cities), not eternal
Num 33:52
you, and destroy reference destruction of figured stones
Num 33:52
and destroy reference destruction of metal images
Deut 4:26
that you will surely regarding physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 4:26
perish regarding physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 7:10
to destroy regarding physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 7:20
themselves from you perish reference to driving out enemies
Deut 7:24
perish referencing to destroying another's name
Deut 8:19
that you will surely regarding physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 8:19
perish regarding physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 8:20
makes regarding physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 8:20
to perish regarding physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 9:3
them out and destroy regarding destroying out enemies;
some in the enemies camp still lived (Rahab);
physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 11:4
destroyed referring to the drowning of Pharaoh's
army in Red Sea; many still alive in Egypt;
physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 11:17
and you will perish regarding physical destruction (no rain = famine), not eternal
Deut 12:2
You shall utterly reference to the destruction of idols, high places;
but they still existed at least as dust or chunks of rock
Deut 12:2
destroy reference to the destruction of idols, high places;
but they still existed at least as dust or chunks of rock;
just no longer useful for false worship
Deut 12:3
and obliterate reference to the destruction of idols, high places;
but they still existed at least as dust or chunks of rock;
just no longer useful for false worship
Deut 22:3
he has lost reference things that are lost
Deut 26:5
was a wandering reference to wandering Aramean
Deut 28:20
you perish regarding physical illness and possible death
("curses, confusion, and frustration,"
etc,; Deut 28:20-24), not eternal
Deut 28:22
you perish regarding physical illness and possible
("disease,""fever," "inflammation," etc.;
Deut 28:20-24), not eternal
Deut 28:51
they have caused you to perish reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 28:63
you to make you perish God destroyed some, not all;
he was addressing survivors through Moses
Deut 30:18
that you shall surely regarding physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 30:18
perish regarding physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 32:28
lacking referring to void of understanding
Josh 7:7
to destroy regarding physical destruction, not eternal
Josh 23:13
you perish regarding physical destruction ("land"), not eternal
Josh 23:16
against you, and you will perish regarding physical destruction ("land"), not eternal
Judg 5:31
perish regarding physical victory over enemies
1 Sam 9:3
were lost reference to lost donkeys and Saul's father;
they still existed, they were just lost (1 Sam 9:20)
1 Sam 9:20
which were lost reference to lost donkeys which were found;
they never ceased to exist
2 Sam 1:27
perished! reference to weapons of war disappeared from sight;
but not obliterated, etc.
2 Kings 9:8
shall perish referencing the desertion of Ahab's line;
physical destruction, not eternal
2 Kings 10:19
hat he might destroy reference the destruction of the worshippers
of Baal at certain time in history; there were
still other worshippers of Baal
2 Kings 11:1
and destroyed referring to physical destruction, not eternal
2 Kings 13:7
had destroyed referring to physical destruction, not eternal
2 Kings 19:18
So they have destroyed referring to destruction of idols
2 Kings 21:3
had destroyed referring to the high places destroyed by Hezekiah
2 Kings 24:2
to destroy referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Est 3:9
that they be destroyed referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Est 3:13
and to cause to perish referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Est 4:7
for the destruction referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Est 4:14
will perish referring to physical destruction, not eternal
and that of a particular house, not all humanity
Est 4:16
I perish If I die a physical death, than I die a physical death
Est 4:16
I perish If I die a physical death, than I die a physical death
Est 7:4
and to perish referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Est 8:5
to destroy referencing the destruction of the Jews;
physical destruction, not eternal
Est 8:11
and to annihilate king's permission for Jews to defend
themselves; physical destruction, not eternal
Est 9:6
and destroyed referencing the destruction of some in Susa;
physical destruction, not eternal
Est 9:12
and destroyed referencing the destruction of some in Susa;
physical destruction, not eternal
Est 9:24
to destroy reference to Haman who plotted to kill the Jews
physical destruction, not eternal
Est 9:24
them and destroy reference to Haman who plotted to kill the Jews
physical destruction, not eternal
Job 3:3
perish reference the day disappearing
Job 4:7
perished reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Job 4:9
they perish reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Job 4:11
perishes reference to physical weakness or destruction,
not eternal
Job 4:20
they perish reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Job 6:18
and perish references to getting lost upon the
earth and perishing upon the earth
Job 8:13
will perish reference to the hope of the godless
Job 11:20
And there will be no escape reference to physical destruction
("breath their last"), not eternal
Job 12:23
then destroys reference to God bringing nation of
this earth to nothing
Job 14:19
So you destroy referencing the hope of man
Job 18:17
of him perishes referencing the memory of one perishing
Job 20:7
He perishes reference the exulting of the wicked
being sh)ort (Job 20:5)
Job 29:13
of the one ready to perish reference blessing of him who was about
to perish
Job 30:2
had perished reference old age was perished
Job 31:19
anyone perish references to perishing for lack of clothing
Psa 1:6
will perish referring to eternal death forever and ever;
they shall not stand in the congregation
of the righteous (Psa 1:5)
Psa 2:12
and you perish Kiss is an act of submission (cf. 1 Sam 10:1);
the hostile kings of the nations must submit
themselves not only to God, but also to the king
of Israel, his human representative; otherwise, God
will grant his people military victory over them
Psa 5:6
You destroy referring to discipline up to and including
physical death; some liars will go
to Heaven other to Hell
Psa 9:3
and perish referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Psa 9:5
You have destroyed referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Psa 9:6
of them has perished referring to the memory of the wicked perishing
Psa 9:18
perish referring hope of the poor not perishing
Psa 10:16
have perished referring to the wicked disappearing
from the land, by many secondary causes
Psa 21:10
you will destroy referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Psa 31:12
ike a broken referring to being emotionally broken
exhausted, depressed, etc.
Psa 37:20
will perish smoke appears to the eyes to disappear:
smoke is made of ash and drops of water;
ash cannot burn up; as smoke rises the water
evaporates and the ash mixes with the dust;
so ash and water continue to exist
in a different state (1 Cor 15:44, 53)
Psa 41:5
perish referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Psa 49:10
perish referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Psa 68:2
perish wicked melt like wax; as the candle burns,
solid wax becomes liquid and then evaporates
to become a gas; the gaseous wax burns in
oxygen to produce water, carbon dioxide, heat,
and light; the candle also produces carbon,
in the form of the black soot on a spoon;
it is glowing soot that causes the candle
give out light; the small amount of wax on the
spoon is the unburnt gaseous wax which
has condensed on the cold spoon and turned
back into solid wax; so the wax still exists in;
its not totally annihilated
Psa 73:27
from you will perish reference to eternal destruction;
forever and ever (Psa 73:18-22);
"far from you shall perish" = "far off"
(Luke 16:19-31; cf. Luke 15:11-32
- "far county")
Psa 80:16
They perish Psa 80:15 we see that Israel, the vine,
is also God's son; Jesus the true Vine
is the true and unique Son, through whom
the relation of sonship is restored; the nation
typified by the vine, the Israel of God, is perishing;
perishing at the rebuke of God's countenance;
because his favour is withdrawn from them
Psa 83:17
them perish referring to physical destruction, not eternal
(Psa 83:13-16)
Psa 92:9
will perish reference to eternal destruction (Psa 92:7)
Psa 102:26
Even they will perish referring to the earth getting old
Psa 122:10
will perish referring to the desire of the wicked perishing
Psa 119:92
I would have perished reference to both physical and
eternal destruction
Psa 119:95
for me to destroy referring to physical destruction , not eternal
Psa 119:176
like a lost reference to sin, but not total annihilation
because of it
Psa 142:4
me; There is no reference to there being no natural
refuge for safety
Psa 143:12
And destroy reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Psa 146:4
perish reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Prov 1:32
will destroy reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Prov 10:28
perishes reference to the hope of the wicked
Prov 11:7
will perish reference to the hope of the wicked
Prov 11:7
perishes reference to the hope of wealth for the wicked
Prov 11:10
perish a city is blessed by the righteous and overthrown by;
the unrighteous. The city rejoices when
the righteous rule and when the unrighteous
are removed from their wicked rule
Prov 19:9
will perish reference liars will die;
physical destruction, not eternal
Prov 21:28
will perish false witness will perish; physical destruction,
not eternal
Prov 28:28
themselves: but when they perish reference physical destruction, not eternal
Prov 29:3
wastes reference to wasting wealth
Prov 31:6
to him who is perishing reference physical destruction, not eternal
Eccl 3:6
to give up as lost reference physical destruction, not eternal
Eccl 5:14
were lost reference loss of wealth in bad venture
Eccl 7:7
corrupts reference to the corruption of bribery
Eccl 7:15
who perishes reference to a righteous man dying
Eccl 9:6
perished reference physical destruction, not eternal
(Prov Eccl 9:5)
Eccl 9:18
destroys reference to sinners destroying much good
Isa 28:14
them, And You have wiped reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Isa 27:13
and those who were perishing reference to those perishing in Assyria
Isa 29:14
will perish reference to wisdom of wise men perishing
Isa 37:19
So they have destroyed reference to wicked idols
Isa 41:11
and will perish reference to the plans of the wicked
Isa 57:1
perishes reference to the righteous perishing
Isa 60:12
you will perish reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 1:10
to destroy reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 4:9
will fail reference to courage failing
Jer 6:21
will perish reference fathers, sons, neighbors,
friends perishing
Jer 7:28
has perished reference to truth perishing
Jer 9:12
ruined reference to the destruction of land
Jer 10:15
they will perish reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 12:17
and destroy reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 15:7
I will destroy reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 18:7
or to destroy reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 18:18
is not going to be lost reference to the law not perishing
Jer 23:1
who are destroying reference to leaders scattering sheep
Jer 25:10
Moreover, I will take reference to the voice of gladness being taken away
Jer 25:35
will perish reference to no refuge for the shepherds
Jer 27:10
you out and you will perish reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 27:15
you out and that you may perish reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 31:28
to destroy reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 40:15
would perish? reference Judah perishing
Jer 46:8
I will surely destroy reference physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 48:8
also will be ruined reference physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 48:36
they have lost reference to the perishing of riches
Jer 48:46
have perished reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 49:7
been lost reference to counsel perishing
Jer 49:38
And destroy reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 50:6
lost reference to lost sheep
Jer 51:18
they will perish reference to idols
Jer 51:55
And He will make reference to laying waste to Babylon
Lam 2:9
He has destroyed reference to the destruction wall of
the daughter of Zion
Lam 3:18
has perished reference to endurance perishing
Ezek 6:3
on you, and I will destroy reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 7:26
will be lost reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 12:22
fails reference to visions failing
Ezek 19:5
was lost reference to losing hope
Ezek 22:27
destroying reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 25:7
and make you perish reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 25:16
and destroy reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 26:17
you have perished reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 28:16
And I have destroyed reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 30:13
I will also destroy reference to idols>
Ezek 32:13
I will also destroy reference to destruction of beasts
Ezek 34:4
for the lost reference not helping the lost
Ezek 34:16
the lost reference to seeking the lost
Ezek 37:11
has perished reference to a loss of hope
Joel 1:11
is destroyed reference to a lost harvet
Amos 1:8
will perish reference to the remnant of the Philistines
Amos 2:14
will perish reference to flight perishing
Amos 3:15
will also perish reference to great wealth perishing
Obad 1:8
Destroy reference to destroying the wise men out of Edom
Obad 1:12
of their destruction reference to not gloating over other's misfortune
Jonah 1:6
about us so that we will not perish reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jonah 1:14
do not let us perish reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jonah 3:9
so that we will not perish reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Jonah 4:10
and perished reference to a perishing plant
Micah 4:9
perished reference to counselor perishing
Micah 5:10
you And destroy reference dusting chariots
Micah 7:2
has perished reference to the godly perishing
Zeph 2:5
And I will destroy reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Zeph 2:13
And destroy reference destruction of Syria
Zech 9:5
will perish reference king shall perishing from Gaza

Hebrew word "kalah" = may mean annihilate, but in context:

Translation Comments
Gen 2:1
were completed referring to God's work of creation;
God is immanent, he is still at other work
therefore not the annihilation of all God's work
Gen 2:2
completed referring to God's work of creation;
God is immanent, he is still at other work
therefore not the annihilation of all God's work
Gen 6:16
and finish about Noah finishing his work
Gen 17:22
When He finished referring to God talking; God talked again;
therefore not the annihilation of God talking
Gen 18:33
as he had finished referring to God talking; God talked again;
therefore not the annihilation of God talking
Gen 21:15
was used up referencing water, not people
Gen 24:15
he had finished referring to Issac talking; he would talk again;
therefore not the annihilation of Issac speaking
Gen 24:19
Now when she had finished referencing water, not people
Gen 24:19
they have finished referencing water and camels, not people
Gen 24:22
had finished referencing water and camels, not people
Gen 24:45
I had finished referring to Issac speaking; he would talk again;
therefore not the annihilation of Issac talking
Gen 27:30
had finished referencing Issac believing Jacob; Isaac
blesses Esau too (Gen 27:38-40);
therefore this is not the annihilation of blessings
Gen 41:30
will ravage only "seven years of famine" (Gen 41:30, 53)
therefore not total annihilation
Gen 41:53
came to an end referring to seven years of plenty
Gen 43:2
they had finished referring to eating food, not people being annihilated
Gen 44:12
and ending speaking of descent in order from oldest to youngest
Gen 49:33
finished referring to Jacob talking to his sons;
don't we talk to others in Heaven
therefore this is not the annihilation of Jacob talking
Exod 5:13
Complete referencing Israel completing their work; daily task
Exod 5:14
have you not
referencing Israel completing their work; making bricks
Exod 31:18
When He had finished referencing Moses talking; Moses talked again later;
therefore not annihilation of Moses talking
Exod 32:10
against them and that
I may destroy
referring to physical destruction, not eternal; God
blotted them out of the book of the physical
living (Exod 32:33); he sent a plague (Exod 32:35)
Exod 32:12
and to destroy referring to physical destruction, not eternal; God
blotted them out of the book of the physical
living (Exod 32:33); he sent a plague (Exod 32:35)
Exod 33:3
[or consume]
referring to physical destruction, not eternal; God
blotted them out of the book of the physical
living (Exod 32:33); he sent a plague (Exod 32:35);
use of "consume" (Exod 32:10, 12; 33:3, 5)
Exod 33:5
I would destroy
[or consume]
referring to physical destruction, not eternal;
God blotted them out of the book of the physical
living (Exod 32:33); he sent a plague
(Exod 32:35); use of "consume"
(Exod 32:10, 12; 33:3, 5)
Exod 34:53
had finished referring to Moses talking;
Moses talked again later; therefore nott
he annihilation of Moses talking
Exod 39:22
was completed referring to a meeting; Israel had other
meetings; therefore not the annihilation
of all meetings
Exod 40:33
finished referencing Moses finishing the work
of the tabernacle; Moses did other work;
therefore not the annihilation of Moses' work
Lev 16:20
When he finishes referencing a holy day; there were other holy days;
therefore not the annihilation of all holy days
Lev 19:9
thou shalt not
wholly reap
referencing gleaning of crops; there would
be other crops to be gleaned; therefore not
the annihilation of all crops or gleaning
Lev 23:22
thou shalt not make
clean riddance
referencing gleaning of crops; there would
be other crops to be gleaned; therefore not
the annihilation of all crops or gleaning
Lev 26:16
that will waste away referencing wasting disease
Lev 26:44
them as to destroy the Lord will not abhor them so as to destroy
them utterly and break my covenant with them
Num 4:15
have finished referencing covering the sanctuary
Num 7:1
had finished referencing setting up the tabernacle
Num 16:21
that I may consume referencing physical destruction, not eternal;
earth open and swallowed them (Num 16:29-35)
Num 16:31
As he finished referencing Moses talking; Moses talked again;
therefore not the annihilation of Moses talking
Num 16:45
that I may consume referencing physical destruction, not eternal;
a plague that didn't consume all
(Num 16:46-49)
Num 17:10
that you may put
an end
referencing the end of grumbling;
there was grumbling again;
therefore not the annihilation of grumbling
Num 25:11
them, so that I did
not destroy [or consume]
referencing physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 7:22
to put an end referencing clearing away nations
Deut 20:9
have finished referencing officers talking to the people
the officers spoke again: therefore
not the annihilation of the officers talking
Deut 26:12
you have finished referencing paying all the tithe the 3rd year;
Israel did this for decades;
therefore not the annihilation of of 3rd year tithes
Deut 28:12
He has consumed referencing Gods' curse of consuming
the disobedient off the land
Deut 31:24
finished referencing Moses writing the Book of the Law
Deut 32:33
on them; I will use referencing Gods' curse up to
and including physical death
Deut 32:45
had finished referring Moses talking; Moses talked again;
therefore not the annihilation of Moses talking
Josh 8:24
had finished referencing physical destruction
("sword"), not eternal
Josh 10:20
had finished referencing physical destruction ("great blow"),
not eternal
Josh 19:49
When they finished referencing apportioning the land
Josh 19:51
So they finished referencing apportioning the land
Josh 24:20
and consume referencing physical destruction, not eternal
Judg 3:18
he had finished referencing presenting the tribute
Judg 15:17
When he had finished referencing Samson talking;
Samson talked again; therefore
this is not the annihilation of Samson talking
Ruth 2:21
they have finished referencing the finishing of harvest;
the harvest still existed; therefore
this is not the annihilation
of harvests
Ruth 2:23
the end referencing the end of barley and wheat harvests;
the harvest still existed; therefore
this is not the annihilation of harvests
Ruth 3:3
he has finished referencing eating and drinking;
they would eat and drink again;
therefore this is not the annihilation
of eating/drinking
Ruth 3:18
he has settled referencing settling a matter
1 Sam 2:33
will fail referencing weeping
1 Sam 3:12
to end concerning the fulfilling of prophecy
1 Sam 10:13
When he had finished concerning the speaking of prophecy
1 Sam 13:10
As soon as he finished referencing finishing the burnt offering
1 Sam 15:18
they are exterminated referencing physical destruction ("fight"), not eternal
1 Sam 18:1
about when he had finished referencing talking; it wasn't the last time
he talked; therefore not the annihilation
of talking
1 Sam 20:7
that he has decided referencing determining to evil
1 Sam 20:9
has been decided referencing determining to evil>
1 Sam 24:16
had finished referencing David talking; he would talk again;
therefore not the annihilation of David talking
1 Sam 25:17
is plotted
or determined
referencing the determining of harm of another
2 Sam 6:18
had finished referring to offering the burnt offerings
and the peace offerings
2 Sam 11:19
When you have finished referencing a messenger telling news
2 Sam 13:36
As soon as he had finished reference to Jonadab speaking; hr would
speak again; so this is not
the annihilation of him speaking again
2 Sam 3:39
longed referencing David's desireto go out to Absalom
2 Sam 21:5
consumed referring to physical destruction ("hang,"
2 Sam 21:6), not eternal
2 Sam 22:38
they were consumed referring to physical destruction ("thrust them through,"
2 Sam 23:39), not eternal
1 Kings 1:41
as they finished reference to eating; they would eat again;
therefore it is not the annihilation of eating
1 Kings 3:1
he had finished reference to Solomon building his own house
and the house of the Lord and the wall
around Jerusalem
1 Kings 6:9
and finished reference to Solomon budding the temple
1 Kings 6:14
and finished reference to Solomon budding the temple
1 Kings 6:38
was finished reference to Solomon finished building
the house
1 Kings 7:1
and he finished reference to Solomon finished building
the house
1 Kings 7:40
finished reference to Hiram finishing all his work
for Solomon
1 Kings 8:54
had finished reference Solomon finishing his prayers
1 Kings 9:1
had finished reference to Solomon building the house
of the Lord
1 Kings 17:14
shall not be exhausted reference jar of flour shall not being spent
1 Kings 17:14
reference jug of oil no being empty
1 Kings 17:16
reference jar of flour not being spent;
neither the jug of oil becoming empty
1 Kings 22:11
they are consumed reference to physical destruction, not eternal
2 Kings 10:25
about, as soon as he had finished reference to burnt offering
2 Kings 13:17
you have destroyed reference to physical death ("bow," "shoot,"
"arrow," "fight," "strike;" 2 Kings 13:15-18),
not eternal
2 Kings 13:19
you would have destroyed reference to physical destruction ("bow," "shoot,"
"arrow," "fight;" "strike," 2 Kings 13:15-18),
not eternal
1 Chron 16:2
had finished referencing David finishing the burnt offerings
and the peace offerings
1 Chron 27:24
but did not finish reference Joab not finish the count
of Israel
1 Chron 28:20
is finished reference all the work to be finished
2 Chron 4:11
finished referencing Hiram finishing the work
Solomon gave him to do
had finished
2 Chron 7:1 reference consuming the burnt offering
2 Chron 7:11
finished referencing Solomon finishing the house
of the Lord
2 Chron 8:8
had not destroyed reference those not physically destroyed
2 Chron 8:16
it was finished reference the work of Solomon being finished
2 Chron 18:10
they are consumed referring to physical destruction, not eternal
2 Chron 20:23
and when they had finished referring to physical destruction ("ambush,"
2 Chron 20:22), not eternal
2 Chron 24:10
they had finished reference bringing their tax and
dropping into the chest
2 Chron 24:14
When they had finished reference bringing their tax and
dropping into the chest
2 Chron 29:17
and finished regarding consecration ot temple
2 Chron 29:28
was finished regarding finishing the burnt offering
2 Chron 29:29
Now at the completion regarding finishing the burnt offering
2 Chron 29:34
was completed reference flaying the burnt offerings
2 Chron 31:1
was finished referring to after the blessing
of the people
2 Chron 31:1
they had destroyed them all references tearing down the high places
2 Chron 31:7
and finished reference finishing piling up the heaps
2 Chron 36:22
in order to fulfill reference the Word of God being fulfilled
Fzra 1:1
in order to fulfill reference the Word of the Lord being fulfilled
Ezra 9:1
had been completed reference to after the burnt offering
and other things
Ezra 9:14
of destruction reference physical destruction, not eternal
Ezra 10:17
They finished referring to the finishing of the examination
of one another of the men who had
married foreign women
Neh 4:2
Can they finish referring to finishing up in a day
Est 7:7
had been determined reference Haman thinking there
was intense harm toward him
Job 4:9
hey come to an end reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Job 7:6
And come to an end reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Job 7:9
vanishes clouds appear to vanish to the naked eye;
because their ice-type crystals go to a
gaseous state when they heat up
Job 9:22
He destroys reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Job 11:20
will fail reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Job 17:5
will fail reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Job 19:27
faints reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Job 31:16
to fail reference to going old and physical
death, not eternal
Job 33:21
wastes away reference to going old
Job 36:11
They will end reference completing one's days
in prosperity
Psa 18:37
they were consumed reference overcoming physical enemies
Psa 31:10
is spent reference life wasting away
Psa 37:20
They vanish reference physical destruction, not eternal;
smoke appears to the eyes to disappear:
smoke is made of ash and drops of water;
ash cannot burn up; as smoke rises the water
evaporates and the ash mixes with the dust;
so ash and water continue to exist in
but in a different state (1 Cor 15:44, 53)
Psa 37:20
they vanish reference physical destruction, not eternal;
smoke appears to the eyes to disappear:
smoke is made of ash and drops of water;
ash cannot burn up; as smoke rises the water
evaporates and the ash mixes with the dust;
so ash and water continue to exist in
but in a different state (1 Cor 15:44, 53)
Psa 39:10
I am perishing reference being rebuked for sin (Psa 39:11),
physical destruction, not eternal
Psa 59:13
Destroy reference the physical destruction of
enemies (Psa 59:10), not eternal
Psa 59:13
destroy reference the physical destruction of
enemies (Psa 59:10), not eternal
Psa 69:3
fail reference waiting on God to deliver
from enemies (Psa 69:4)
Psa 71:9
fails reference to God not forsaking one
when they get up in years;
imprecation against enemies
Psa 71:13
consumed reference asking God to deal with our accusers;
imprecation against enemies
Psa 72:20
are ended reference the end of David's prayers
Psa 73:26
may fail reference to person's strength and power
growing frail, but God's doesn't
Psa 74:11
destroy reference imprecation against enemies;
up to and including physical death, not eternal
Psa 76:33
So he brought reference the physical destruction of some;
secondary cause to other's
repentance (Psa 76:34; 2 Cor 7:10)
Psa 84:2
faints reference to God's justice
Psa 90:7
For we have been consumed reference to God's just anger for sin (Psa 90:7)
Psa 90:9
We have finished reference to growing old
Psa 102:3
have been consumed smoke appears to the eyes to disappear:
smoke is made of ash and drops of water
ash cannot burn up; as smoke rises the water
evaporates and the ash mixes with the dust;
so ash and water continue to exist in
different state (1 Cor 15:44, 53)
Psa 119:81
longing reference to deliverance by God
Psa 199:92
longing reference to longing for God's promises
Psa 119:87
destroyed reference to the attacks of one's enemies
Psa 119:123
longing reference to longing for God's promises
Psa 143:7
fails reference to asking God for deliverance
if not, he may meet with physical death
Prov 5:11
are consumed reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Prov 16:30
brings reference bringing evil to come to pass
Prov 22:8
will perish reference to the fact that evil will ultimately fail
Isa 1:28
will come to an end reference to judgment of the unfaithful city;
physical death, not eternal
Isa 10:18
And he will destroy reference to God's judgment on Assyria;
physical destruction, not eternal
Isa 10:25
will be spent reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Isa 15:6
died reference to dying grass
Isa 16:4
has ceased reference the ceasing of destruction
Isa 21:16
will terminate reference to glory of Kedar coming to an end
Isa 24:13
is done reference end of grape harvest
Isa 27:10
consume reference redemption of Israel
Isa 29:20
is consumed regarding God's justice (Isa 26:5; 28:6, 17)
Isa 31:3
of them will come to an end regarding Egypt; reference physical destruction,
not eternal
Isa 32:10
is ended reference failing grape harvest
Isa 49:4
I have spent reference using up one's strength
Jer 5:3
you have consumed reference to physical destruction of some,
not eternal
Jer 8:20
is ended reference end of summer
Jer 9:16
I have consumed reference to scattering and killing with
the sword; physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 10:25
him and consumed reference to the death of some of Israel
physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 14:6
fail reference famine, sword, and pestilence;
physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 14:12
I am going to make an end reference famine, sword, and pestilence;
physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 16:4
and come to an end reference diseases, sword, famine;
physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 20:18
have been spent reference spending days in shame
Jer 26:8
finished reference to Jeremiah being finished speaking;
he would speak again, so not
the annihilation of speaking
Jer 43:1
had finished reference to Jeremiah being finished speaking;
he would speak again, so not
the annihilation of speaking
Jer 44:27
they are completely gone reference to sword and by famine;
physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 49:37
I have consumed reference judgment on Edom with the sword:
physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 51:63
And as soon as you finish reference the finishing reading of a book
Lam 2:11
fail reference to weeping
Lam 2:22
consumed reference physical destruction, not eternal
Lam 3:22
fail reference God's unending mercies
Lam 4:11
has accomplished reference judgment upon Israel
Jer 4:17
failed reference to weariness
Ezek 4:6
when thou hast accomplished reference the things ordered by the Lord
Ezek 4:8
you have completed reference completing days of a siege
Ezek 5:12
or be consumed reference to being consumed by famine;
physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 5:13
will be spent reference pestilence, famine, sword,
scattering (Ezek 5:12, 16-17); physical
destruction, not eternal
Ezek 5:13
when I have spent reference pestilence, famine, sword,
scattering (Ezek 5:12, 16-17); physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 6:12
Thus will I spend reference pestilence, sword, famine (Isa 6:11-12);
physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 7:8
on you and spend reference to judgment; physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 13:14
you will be consumed reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 13:15
Thus I will spend reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 20:8
on them, to accomplish reference to see dying in the wilderness (Ezek 20:9-26);
physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 20:13
to consume reference to see dying in the wilderness (Ezek 20:9-26);
physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 20:21
on them, to accomplish reference to see dying in the wilderness (Ezek 20:9-26);
physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 22:31
on them; I have consumed reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Ezek 42:15
Now when he had finished reference measuring the interior of the temple area
Ezek 43:23
When you have finished reference to purifying the altar
Ezek 43:27
When they have completed reference to the completion of days
Dan 11:16
accomplish reference defeat of the kings of the
south and north; physical destruction ("sword and flame,
by captivity and plunder," Dan 11:33), not eternal
Dan 11:36
is finished referencing end of the indignation of the king
Dan 12:7
and as soon as they finish reference an end to power
Dan 12:7
will be completed reference an end of certain wonders (Dan 12:6)
Hos 11:6
And will demolish reference to physical destruction ("sword"), not eternal
Amos 7:2
it had finished reference an end to eating
Zech 5:4
and consume referencing God accomplishing his curse
Mal 3:6
are not consumed regarding God's covenant promise;
he preserves a remnant

Hebrew word "charam" = may mean annihilate, but in context:

Translation Comments
Exod 22:20
shall be utterly destroyed be accursed, anathematized, devoted to destruction,
as the word used signifies: the Targum of
Jonathan is, he shall be killed with the sword,
and his goods consumed, not only lose his life
but his substance, and so be destroyed in body and estate
Lev 21:18
he who has a disfigured reference deformity
Lev 27:28
sets apart reference to offerings
Lev 27:29
may have been set apart reference to physical destruction, not eternal
Num 21:2
then I will utterly destroy anathematized them, and devoted them to destruction,
but did not literally conquer them until later (Josh 12:14),
and not all were killed (Josh 9:21)
Num 21:3
then they utterly destroyed anathematized them, and devoted them to destruction,
but did not literally conquer them until later (Josh 12:14),
and not all were killed (Josh 9:21)
Deut 2:34
and utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 3:6
we utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 3:6
destroyed referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 7:2
them, then you shall utterly destroy clearly not everyone, as they were commanded
"not intermarry with them" (Deut 7:3)
Deut 7:2
destroy clearly not everyone, as they were commanded
"not intermarry with them" (Deut 7:3)
Deut 13:15
utterly destroying referring to physical destruction ("sword"), not eternal
Deut 20:17
But you shall utterly referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Deut 20:17
destroy referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Josh 2:10
you utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Josh 6:18
that you do not covet referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Josh 6:21
They utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction (sword"), not eternal
Josh 8:26
he had utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction, not eternal;
hanged the king of Ai and threw his body at the
gate of the city (Josh 8:29)
Josh 10:1
and had utterly destroyed referring to Ai and Jericho; referring to physical destruction,
not eternal
Josh 10:28
he utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction ("sword"), not eternal
Josh 10:35
and he utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction ("sword," Josh 10:37),
not eternal
Josh 10:37
And he utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction ("sword"), not eternal
Josh 10:39
and utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction ("sword"), not eternal
Josh 10:40
but he utterly destroyed struck them with the "edge of the sword" (Josh 10:39, 41),
referring to physical destruction,
not eternal
Josh 11:11
utterly destroying referring to physical destruction ("sword"), not eternal
Josh 11:12
utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction ("sword"), not eternal
Josh 11:20
that he might utterly destroy referring to physical destruction ("in battle"), not eternal
Josh 11:21
utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction ("in battle," Josh 11:20),
not eternal
Judge 1:17
and utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction ("defeated"), not eternal
Judge 21:11
you shall utterly destroy referring only to males and women who were not virgins;
referring to physical destruction
,not eternal
1 Sam 15:3
and utterly destroy referring to physical destruction
("sword," 1 Sam 15:8), not eternal
1 Sam 15:8
and utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction ("sword"), not eternal
1 Sam 15:9
to destroy Saul disobeyed and "did not" utterly destroy them
"did not" destroy Agag, etc.
1 Sam 15:9
them utterly Saul disobeyed and "did not" utterly destroy them
"did not" destroy Agag, etc.
1 Sam 15:15
we have utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction, not eternal
1 Sam 15:18
and utterly destroy referring to physical destruction ("fight against
them) until they are consumed"),
not eternal
1 Sam 15:20
and have utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction, not eternal
1 Kings 9:21
to destroy utterly "were unable to devote to destruction"
referring to physical destruction,
not eternal
2 Kings 19:11
destroying them completely referring to physical destruction, not eternal
1 Chron 4:41
and destroyed them utterly referring to physical destruction, not eternal
2 Chron 20:23
destroying referring to physical destruction ("all helped to destroy
one another"), not eternal
2 Chron 32:14
utterly destroyed referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Ezra 10:8
should be forfeited reference forfeiture of property
Isa 11:14-15
will utterly destroy destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea;
illusion to Red Sea
Isa 34:2
He has utterly destroyed referring to the judgment of last day; continuous
destruction in Hell (Isa 14:15-16; 66:24;
Luke 13:28; 16:9-31)
Isa 37:11
destroying them completely. referring to physical destruction, not eternal
Jer 25:9
and I will utterly destroy "an everlasting desolation" (Jer 25:29)
Jer 50:21
and utterly destroy judgment is uttered against Babylon;
"Merathaim" and Pekod" are puns on
Babylonian place-names (Marratu, Puqudu)
Jer 50:26
And utterly destroy judgment is uttered against Babylon
Jer 51:3
destroy utterly judgment is uttered against Babylon
Dan 11:44
and annihilate "many," and not "all" to destruction
Mic 4:13
beat in pieces many peoples "many," and not "all." God is looking with
disdainful laughter at heir puny efforts to
overthrow the ruler he has established.

Hebrew word "balaq" = may mean annihilate, but in context:

Translation Comments
Isa 24:1
devastates make the earth desolate
Nah 2:10
desolation Destruction of Nineveh
Some lived; Nah 2:7

Related Topics:

Annihilationism Error: Greek Word Definition Charts
An Eternal Hell is for Real - The Heresy of Annihilationism?
How can God exact infinite punishment for a finite sin?
When was Hell created?

Answer by Dr. Joseph R. Nally, Jr.

Dr. Joseph R. Nally, Jr., D.D., M.Div. is the Theological Editor at Third Millennium Ministries (Thirdmill).