Visions, Dreams and the Bible's Credibility


How credible is the Bible in the instances where visions or dreams are its foundation?


The Bible presents visions and dreams as legitimate means by which God communicates rather directly with humans. While all Scripture is reliable because the Holy Spirit superintended its writing, those portions based on dreams and visions have an even greater claim to reliability because they represent instances in which God supernaturally intruded into the normal course of human events in order to deliver specific information to his prophets. Thus, these passages are "more inspired," so to speak, and therefore more reliable.

Of course, this does not refute the human claim that dreams and visions may also be caused by indigestion, etc. But our faith in the Bible as God's Word presupposes faith in Christ, who himself affirmed the reliability of the Old Testament Scriptures, and who himself appointed the apostles as his authoritative representatives. The apostles, in turn, wrote and/or approved the New Testament. Thus, the entire Bible has Christ's stamp of approval. Our faith in the person of Christ is the foundation for our faith in the reliability of the Scriptures.

Answer by Ra McLaughlin

Ra McLaughlin is Vice President of Finance and Administration at Third Millennium Ministries.