Thirdmill Study Bible

Notes on 1 John 2:6-14

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Remain in him - 1 John 2:6

remain in him. John uses the Greek word menein forty times in his Gospel and twenty-seven times in his letters. This word describes the person of abides or dwells in God (see notes on 3:24; 4:13) or in Jesus (see notes on 2:27-28; 3:6; Jn. 6:56; 15:4). Menein also refers to God indwelling Christians (see notes on 3:24; 4:12-13, 15-16). As Christians remain in Christ, Christ and his Spirit remains in them. walk. John assumed his readers knew details about the life of Jesus, which they learned from John's Gospel (see Introduction), and called them to follow his way of life

Those who Live in the Light Love God's Family. - 1 John :7-11

Those who Live in the Light Love God's Family. One of the major focuses of John's letter is Jesus' command to love one another. How else can we learn to walk in the ways of Christ, unless we do so together in fellowship? John's discussion of the old and new commandment is an example of a paradox. Ancient writers used paradoxes as a form of emphasis, to force their audience to think deeply about their words. On the one hand, the love commandment is old, cited by Jesus from the OT (cf. Deut. 6:5; Lev. 19:18; Mk. 12:30-31; Jn 13:34). On the other hand, it is also new, because it is based on a new and ultimate example: Christ's death (see notes on Jn. 13:34; 15:12).

I am not writing you a new command - 1 John :7-8

old… new commandment. See WCF 19.5. In his upper room discourse, recorded in the Fourth Gospel, Jesus cites the old commandment that we must love one another (cf. Lev 19:18; Jn 13:34), but places it in a new context: he is laying down his life for his friends (Jn 15:12). John contrasts the love between Christians and the hate the world has for Christians (see notes on Jn. 15:18-19). Christians love each other because Christ loved them, and people hate Christians, because they hate Christ and his ways (see notes on Jn. 15:12, 18). Through the commandment to love one another, Jesus confronts the hatred of the world, demonstrating the power of love to cast out hate, and the power of light to dispel the darkness (see notes on 1 John 4:7-21).

Hate - 1 John :9-11

hate. See HC 106. If someone does not love their fellow Christians, it shows that they do not love Christ. The word hate here is not about a person who gets angry occasionally, when wronged by others. Rather, the present participle in Greek, "one who hates," suggests a life characterized by opposition to Christ, his commands and his people.

Stumbling - 1 John 2:10

stumbling. This word (skandalon) refers to an object that makes someone trip, that causes a person's downfall. The imagery of 2:9-11 echoes John's primary claim that God is light (see notes on 1:5-7) and that those who walk in the light do not stumble in the darkness. John tightly connects obedience to Jesus' command to love one another with walking in God's light.

The Letter's Recipients Know God and Overcome Evil.- 1 John 2:12-14

Having cautioned his readers about the importance of loving one another, he assures them of his confidence in their confession about Christ and their obedience to his command. He intends to encourage them with this letter to overcome the evil one by staying true to the course they are on.

Children . . . fathers . . . young men - 1 John 2:12-14

dear children… fathers… young men… little children. John could be addressing people of different ages in the same congregation or people at different stages of spiritual growth. He offers his readers a clue by repeatedly calling them children (2:12, 13), which indicates that the purpose for his writing, repeated to their fathers and young men applies to everyone. By addressing their fathers or leaders, John is addressing the congregation's representatives. By addressing their young men or apprentice leaders, John is addressing the congregation's future character. Each set of three statements, repeated with slight variation, then, addresses everyone in the congregation.

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