Ephesians: Outlines


The Complete Work of God: Adoption, Redemption, and Empowerment of the Saints back to top
  • Saints Have Been Chosen by God to be Holy and Blameless (1:1-4)
  • The Predestination and Adoption of the Saints are in Accordance with God's Pleasure and Will (1:5)
  • The Redemption Lavished upon the Saints is by God's Free Grace (1:6-8)
  • The Mystery of Christ is Revealed to the Apostles (1:9,10)
  • The Apostles and the Saints Alike are Chosen by God (1:11-14)
  • The Ressurection Power is Available for the Saints (1:19-21)
  • The Authority of Christ in Heaven is for the Saints (1:22,23)

From Death to Life: The Unified Church is the Living Temple of God back to top
  • All were Once Dead in Transgressions and Sins, Following the Enemy (2:1,2)
  • All were Once Objects of Wrath (2:3)
  • All were Made Alive in Christ and Seated in the Heavenlies (2:4-9)
  • All have been Saved by Grace through Faith, the Gift of God (2:8,9)
  • All are God's Workmanship Created to Do Good Works (2:10)
  • Those Who were Without Hope and Without God have been Brought Near by the Blood of Christ (2:11-13)
  • Christ is the One Who has Established Peace for His Body (2:14-18)
  • Those Who were Aliens and Strangers are Now Citizens (2:19)
  • The Church is the Holy Temple of God, Built on the Apostles and Christ the Cornerstone (2:20-22)
  • Gentile Believers and Jewish Believers are Part of One Body (3:1-6)
  • The Unified Church is a Revelation of the Wisdom of God (3:10)
  • The Saints Have Access to God in Freedom and Confidence (3:12)
  • The Family of God, In Heaven and Earth, Derives Its Name from the Father (3:14,15)

The Nurturing of the New Humanity: The Militant, Vigilant Bride of Christ back to top
  • There is a Fundamental Unity to the Church (4:4)
  • There is a Functional Distribution of Gifts within the Church (4:7-11)
  • The Function of Diversity is to Strengthen the Unity of the Church (4:12-15)
  • Speaking the Truth in Love is the Means by which the Church Grows in Christ (4:15,16)
  • Pagans are Blinded by the Futility of Their Minds (4:18,19)
  • The New Man is Created to be Like God in True Righteousness and Holiness (4:24)
  • The Impure and Idolatrous will Not Enter the Kingdom (5:5-7)
  • The Saints were Once Darkness, but Now They are Light (5:8)
  • The Marriage Relationship is a Metaphor Of Christ's Relationship with the Church (6:25ff)
  • Our Wrestling Match is with the Powers of Spiritual Darkness (6:10-12)


Be Aware of Your Spiritual Heritage and Vast Spiritual Resource back to top
  • The Ephesians' Faith and Love for the Saints (1:15)
  • The Prayer of Paul for the Saints' Wisdom, Hope and Power (1:15-23)
  • Prayer for Power, the Indwelling of Christ, and Knowledge of God's Love (3:14-19)

Live a New and Dignified Life back to top
  • Live a Life Worthy of Your Calling (4:1)
  • Be Humble and Gentle, Striving to Keep the Unity (4:2,3)
  • Do Not Live in the Futility of Pagans (4:17)
  • Put Off the Old Man, Put On the New Man (4:20-24)
  • Put Off Falsehood and Speak Truthfully (4:25)
  • Do Not Sin in Your Anger and Give the Devil a Foothold (4:26,27)
  • The Theif Must Work in Order to Have Something to Contribute (4:28)
  • Speech Should Not Be Unwholesome, But Edifying (4:29)
  • Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit (4:30)
  • Abandon the Emotions Which Lead to Quarrels for Those Which Lead to Unity (4:31,32)

Follow the Leader back to top
  • Be Imitators of God (5:1)
  • There Should Be No Hint of Sexual Impurity (5:3,4)
  • Live as Children of Light and Find Out What Pleases the Lord (5:8-10)
  • Have Nothing To Do with the Fruitless Deeds of Darkness (5:11)
  • Make the Most of Your Time (5:15-17)
  • Do Not Be Drunk but be Filled with the Spirit (5:18)
  • Edify One Another with Speech and Song (5:19,20)
  • Submit to One Another in Various Relationships (5:21-6:9)
  • Be Strong and Put on the Armor of God (6:10-18)


An Intense Knowledge of Love and Power in Christ back to top
  • Prayer for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to Know God Better (1:17)
  • The Freedom and Confidence with Which We May Approach God (3:12,13)
  • The Spirit is the Source of the Power of the Inner Man (3:16)
  • Christ Dwells in the Believer's Heart through Faith (3:17)
  • Prayer to Know the Incomprehensible Love of God in Christ (3:18)
  • Being Filled to the Measure of All the Fullness of God (3:19)
  • The Power of God is at Work in Us (3:20)

A Renewed Mind after the Image of God back to top
  • Pagan Thinking is Futility (4:17,18)
  • Be Made New in the Attitude of Your Minds, and Put On the New Self (3:23,24)
  • Be Filled with the Spirit, Speaking and Singing Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs (5:18-20)

Vigilence against the Oppressive Powers of Darkness back to top
  • Take Up the Sheild of Faith to Quench Enemies Darts (6:16)
  • Take Up the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit (6:17)
  • Pray in the Spirit on All Occasions (6:18)


Christ, the Reigning Head of the Church back to top
  • Presently Blessed in the Heavenlies with All Spiritual Blessings in Christ (1:3)
  • Presently Have Redemption through Christ's Blood (1:7)
  • Presently Marked with a Seal, the Promised Holy Spirit (1:13)
  • Christ is Now Raised and Now Seated above All Rule and Authority (1:19-23)
  • The Power of the Ressurection is Currently Available to the Church (1:19-23)
  • God Made Us Alive and Seated Us in the Heavenly Realm (2:4-7)
  • We Have Been Created in Christ for Good Works (2:10)
  • Gentiles Have Now Been Brought Near by the Blood of Christ (2:13)
  • He Has Established Peace Between Jew and Gentile Believers (2:14ff)
  • We are No Longer Aliens, but Present Members of God's Household (2:19)
  • This Mystery Has Been Revealed by Apostles and Prophets (3:5)
  • The Eternal Purpose of God Has Been Accomplished in Christ (3:11)

The Hope of Inheritance for the Church Being Built back to top
  • The Mystery will be Put into Effect when the Times will have Reached Their Fulfillment (1:10)
  • The Holy Spirit is the Deposit Guaranteeing Our Inheritance (1:13,14)
  • The Redemption of God's Possession Yet Future (1:14)
  • Our Hope Includes the Riches of Our Inheritance as Saints (1:18)
  • Christ Exalted over Powers in the Age to Come (1:21)
  • God Shows the Incomparable Riches in the Age to Come (2:6,7)
  • TheChurch is being Built into a Holy Temple (2:22)
  • TheChurch is being Built up in Anticipation of Unity (4:11,12)
  • The Full Measure of the Fullness of Christ is Anticipated (4:13)
  • The Body Builds Itself Up as Each Part Does Its Work (4:16)
  • The Holy Spirit Seals Believers for the Day of Redemption (4:30)
  • Make The Most Of Opportunities Because the Days are Evil (5:15,16)
  • Our Present Struggle is with the Powers of Spiritual Darkness in High Places (6:12)