2 Corinthians: Outlines


The Saint Transformed by the Revelation and Knowledge of the Glory of God back to top
  • The Lord is the Spirit Who Sets People Free (3:16,17)
  • Those Who Behold the Lord's Glory are Transformed into his Likeness (3:18)
  • The Gospel is Veiled to Those Who are Perishing (4:3,4)
  • God Made the Light of the Knowledge of his Glory in the Face of Christ Shine in our Hearts (4:6)
  • God Made Us for This Very Purpose and Gave Us the Spirit as a Deposit (5:5)
  • If Anyone is in Christ He is a New Creation (5:17)

The Saint Competently Equipped for Personal Ministry back to top
  • God Comforts Us in Trials So We Can Comfort Others (1:4)
  • Christian Planning is Deliberate after the Model of God's Plan (1:15)
  • Compassion is a Valid Reason to Alter Plans (1:23-2:4)
  • Being Led in Triumphal Procession, Aroma of Life, Aroma of Death (2:14-16)
  • Speaking with Sincerity, not Peddling for Money (2:17)
  • The Ministry of the Letter Kills, but the Ministry of the Spirit Gives Life (3:6)
  • The Ministry of the Spirit is Glorious (3:7-11)
  • Paul Preaches Christ as Lord, and Himself as Servant (4:5)
  • We Must All Stand before the Bema Seat of Christ (5:10)
  • Paul & Party as Ambassadors of Reconciliation for the World (5:18-20)
  • Generosity is a Test of the Sincerity of Love in the Model of Christ's Sacrifice (8:8)
  • Giving is Acceptable on the Basis of What One Has, not of What One Doesn't Have (8:12)
  • However a Person Sows is How a Person Reaps (9:6)
  • Each Person Should Cheerfully Give What He Has Decided in his Heart (9:7)
  • God is Able to Make the Giver Abound (9:8-11)
  • Meekness and the Bold Appeal for Christian Love (10:1,2)
  • Our Weapons are not the Weapons of the World (10:3-6)

When the Saint is Weak, God's Strength is Made Manifest back to top
  • Depression Should Press Us into Reliance upon God (1:9)
  • God Has an Unblemished Track Record of Deliverance (1:10)
  • God Causes Us to Stand, Having Set his Seal Upon Us (1:21,22)
  • Unseen Eternal Glory is Acheived through Seen Temporary Struggles (4:16-18)
  • When the Body is Destroyed, There is an Eternal House in Heaven (5:1)
  • While We are in the Body, and away from The Lord, We Live by Faith, not by Sight (5:6-9)
  • Christ Died for All, All Died So They Might Live for him (5:15)
  • God Made Christ to be Sin for Us, So that We Might Become Christ's Righteousness (5:21)
  • Do Not Be Yoked With Unbelievers (6:14-18)
  • Purify from Everything That Contaminates Body and Spirit, Perfecting Holiness (7:1)
  • Godly Sorrow Brings Repentance Which Leads to Salvation (7:8-13)
  • Horizontal Comparison is Unwise (10:12)
  • The Proper Parameters for Christian Boasting (10:13-18)
  • The Nature of False Apostles: Satan Who Masquerades as an Angel of Light (11:13-15)
  • Paul's Example of How the World Boasts (11:16-29)
  • Paul's Example of How a Christian Boasts (11:30-12:10)
  • When We are Weak, Then We are Strong (12:10)
  • We are Weak In Christ's Weakness, but Live by God's Power (13:4)


The Role of Self-Commendation In Christian Community back to top
  • The Corinthians as the Letter of Paul, Written on their Hearts (3:1-3)
  • Paul Sets Forth the Truth Plainly, Commending Himself to Men's Consciences (4:2)
  • Our Self-Evaluation is for the Sake of Producing Confidence in the Community (5:12,13)
  • The Power of a Devoted Life for Commendation to the Church (6:4-10)
  • The Importance of Follow Through as a Model for Others (9:1-5)
  • Paul Defends Himself before Those Who Should Have Commended Him (12:11-13)
  • Paul's Self Commendation is for The Strengthening of the Corinthian Church (12:19-21)

The Saint in Leadership in Christian Community back to top
  • Paul's Compassion is the Motivating Factor (1:23)
  • Leadership does not Lord Over but Walks alongside the Christian Community (1:24)
  • Paul Writes to Test the Corinthians (2:9)
  • We Put no Stumbling Block in Anyone's Path for Credibility's Sake (6:3)
  • The Use of Godly Sorrow to Bring Repentance (7:8-13)
  • Taking Pains to do What is Right in the Sight of God and Men (8:20,21)
  • Paul Ready to Punish Every Act of Disobedience (10:6)
  • Paul's Ministry was to Build Up, not to Tear Down (10:8)
  • Paul's Jealousy for the Corinthian Church (11:1ff)
  • Paul is not Inferior for Refusing to Lord It Over God's People (11:6ff)
  • Christ is not Weak in Dealing with Individuals in the Church, but Powerful (13:3,4)
  • Paul's Gladness in Weakness if the Church is Strong (13:9)
  • Paul's Prayer for the Church's Perfection (13:9)
  • Paul's Authority for Building Up, not Tearing Down (13:10)

The Spiritual Activity of the Saint in Christian Community back to top
  • The Powerful Personal Assistance of Prayer (1:11)
  • Paul's Communication for the Purpose of Mutual Understanding (1:13)
  • The Call to Comfort the Repentant Sinner in Due Time (2:5-8)
  • Paul's Confession of Faith is for the Sake of the Community (4:15)
  • We Know What It is to Fear the Lord, So We Try to Persuade Men (5:11)
  • Paul's Open Communication to the Corinthians (6:11)
  • Paul's Request for Corinthian Honesty and Communion with Him (6:12,13)
  • The Goal of Giving is Equality Among the Believers (8:13-15)
  • How the Community Treats the One Sent is How the Community Treats the Sender (8:22-24)
  • Giving is a Service and a Source of Others Outpouring of Thanksgiving to God (9:12-15)
  • Paul's Prayer for the Church to Do Right even if Paul Seems to Fail the Test (13:7)

The Mutual Feelings and Experiences among the Saints back to top
  • When We are Distressed or Comforted, It is for the Community (1:6)
  • Paul's Firm Hope for Fellow Sufferers (1:7)
  • Paul's Mutual Forgiveness for Those Forgiven (2:10,11)
  • We are not Ignorant of the Devil's Schemes to Destroy the Saints (2:11)
  • Our Struggle with Life and Death is for the Sake of our Community (4:10-12)
  • Paul's Request for Corinthians to Make Room for Him in their Hearts (7:2-4)
  • Paul's Joy Related to the Longing and Desire of the Corinthians (7:6,7)
  • Paul's Delight to See Titus' Joy in the Corinthian Response - Third-Party Joy (7:13-16)
  • The Use of the Example of the Macedonian Churches in Giving (8:1-7)
  • Titus and Paul's Mutual Concern (8:16-19)
  • Admonishment to Consider Another as Belonging to Christ (10:7)
  • Paul is not after their Possesions, but their Hearts (12:14-18)
  • Church Called to Discover that Paul does not Fail the Test of Faith (13:6)


The Christian's Inner Struggle back to top
  • Paul's Deep Depression (1:8,9)
  • We Presently Groan, Longing to be Clothed with our Heavenly Body (5:2)
  • Paul with Outer Conflicts, and Inner Fears (7:5)
  • Paul's Thorn in the Flesh (12:7-10)

The Christian's Inner Confidence back to top
  • The Boasting of a Confident Conscience (1:12-14)
  • Confidence of Conscience Based on Grace, not Man's Wisdom (1:12)
  • God is our Confidence, He Has Made Us Competent Ministers (3:4-6)
  • Hope in the Glory of the Ministry Produces Boldness (3:12-18)
  • The Ministry Received by Mercy Causes Us not to Lose Heart (4:1)
  • God Made the Light of the Knowledge of his Glory in the Face of Christ Shine in our Hearts (4:6)
  • Speach Follows Faith, Which is Rooted in Knowledge of the Resurrection (4:13,14)
  • What We are is Plain to God (5:11)
  • Paul's Integrity in Person as with His Letters (10:10,11)
  • Paul not Inferior to the Super-Apostles (11:6)
  • Paul's Heavenly Visions (12:1-6)
  • Paul Cannot Do Anything Against the Truth, Only for the Truth (13:8)

The Saint's Process of Inner Renewal back to top
  • Peace of Mind Acquainted with the Arrival of a Friend (2:13)
  • Where the Spirit is There is Liberty to be Transformed into the Image of Christ (3:16-18)
  • Paul Has Renounced Secret and Shameful Ways (4:2)
  • Focus on the Eternal Unseen, not the Temporary Which is Seen (4:18)
  • The Clothing of the Heavenly Body will Finally Remove All Shame (Nakedness) (5:3,4)
  • We Make It our Goal to Please him (5:9)
  • Christ's Love Compells Us (5:14)
  • Purify from Everything that Contaminates Body and Spirit, Perfecting Holiness (7:1)
  • Finish the Work so that Eagerness Matches Completion (8:11)
  • The Demolishing of Arguments and Pretenses Set Up against the Knowledge of God (10:5)
  • Test Your Self to See if You are in the Faith (13:5)

The Saint's Personal Paradox back to top
  • Where There is Deep Love, There is Deep Anguish (2:4)
  • The Treasure is in Jars of Clay to Reveal God's Power (4:7)
  • The Paradox of Intense Life and Death within Us (4:8-12)
  • Paul, Outwardly Waisting Away and Inwardly being Renewed (4:16)
  • Light and Momentary Troubles Achieve an Eternal Glory Which Far Outweighs Them (4:17)
  • The Fruit of Godly Sorrow is Repentance to Salvation (7:10)

  • Christ Causes All to Stand Firm in Him (1:21)
  • The Holy Spirit is the Present Seal of Ownership Guaranteeing What is to Come (1:22)
  • Christ Leads Us in Triumphal Procession as the Fragerence of Life and Death (2:14ff)
  • He Has Made Us Competent Ministers of the New Covenant (3:4-6)
  • When Anyone Comes to the Lord, the Veil is Taken Away (3:16)
  • Believers are Being Transformed into the Image of Christ (3:18)
  • The God of This Age Has Blinded the Mind of Unbelievers (4:3,4)
  • Our God Has Given Us Knowledge of his Glory in the Face of Christ (4:6)
  • We have the Tresure in Clay Jars to Show God's Power (4:7ff)
  • We Carry Around the Death of Christ so the Life of Christ might be Revealed (4:10)
  • We Have Present Knowledge that the One Who Raised Christ will also Raise Us All (4:14)
  • Outwardly We are Waisting Away, Inwardly We are being Renewed Every Day (4:16)
  • What is Seen is Temporary, What is Unseen is Eternal (4:18)
  • We Groan Longing to be Clothed with our Heavenly Dwelling (5:2-4)
  • God Made Us for This Purpose and Gave Us the Spirit as a Deposit Guaranteeing the Future (5:5)
  • We Must Appear before the Judgement Seat on Account of Things Done in the Body (5:10)
  • One Died for All, All Died in order to Live for Him (5:14,15)
  • If Anyone is in Christ, He is a New Creation; the Old Has Gone, the New Has Come (5:17)
  • Boasting About the Strength to Come and the Weakness that Persists (12:5)