Salt and Light (Q&A)

39 Q&A results for: Salt and Light

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Jephthah and Sinful Vows

Should Jephthah have broken his vow to the Lord?

Topics: Historical BooksChristian LivingSalt and Light

God Save Me - Again?

I am a born again Christian, but at times I feel like praying "God save me" because of my present circumstances and sin in my life. Is this proper? Can I be saved again?

Topics: SalvationSalt and LightPastoral Ministry

Why the possibility of evil in creation?

Why did God create a world that had a possibility of evil coming into it?

Topics: SalvationBiblical TheologySalt and Light

Un-forgiveness in the Church?

Why is there so much un-forgiveness in the Church?

Topics: Christian LivingEthicsSalt and Light

Life of an Eagle

There is a story about eagles ("Life of an Eagle") which I included in my e-mail. While it is informative, it included no explanation with it. Please explain how it relates to Christianity.

Topics: GodChristian LivingSalt and Light

Military Mottos and the Bible

I am a 26 year veteran of the US military and was wondering how military mottos can be reapplied to biblical principles?

Topics: Salt and LightPhilosophyChristian Living

What are the consequences of a nation turning away from God?

What are the consequences of a nation turning away from God? Where does America stand today?

Topics: GodSalt and LightPhilosophy

Should we commune with other Christians with different beliefs than ours?

I attend a Presbyterian Church. There’s a rather liberal Baptist Church close to us. Should we work with them to help feed the hungry? Or would this be a case of being unequally yoked together?

Topics: Modern ChurchSalt and LightBiblical Theology

Christian Women That Made a Difference

Denominations aside, we often read of men in church history. But what about women that made a difference? Please list some women of different denominations and their contributions to church history from ancient and modern church history.

Topics: Salt and Light

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