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Can you list the fulfilled prophecies, typologies, shadows, allegories, and illusions to Christ In the Old Testament?
Topics: ChristApologeticsBiblical Theology
The 1611 KJV is the only true English version of the Bible! All other versions are perversions.
Topics: ApologeticsMissionsChristian Living
What do the Hebrew and Greek words means in reference to the false doctrine of Annihilationism?
Topics: ApologeticsInterpretationBiblical Theology
Is Hell for real or is everyone just going to cease to exist?
Topics: Last DaysBiblical TheologyApologetics
Is it a sin for the church not to care for the sick, handicapped, and elderly in the church?
Topics: Church and SacramentsChristian LivingMissions
Can you explain Romans 11? Especially the section about the Israel of God.
Topics: Pauline EpistlesBiblical TheologyApologetics
What is the NT Tithe? How much?
Topics: Biblical TheologyChristian LivingChurch and Sacraments
Peter Enns in “5 Old Testament Reasons Why “Original Sin Doesn’t Work,” states Original Sin isn’t biblical?
Topics: ApologeticsChristMan
How do Catholics perceive justification differently from Protestants?
Topics: SalvationBiblical TheologyApologetics
I'm saved, but how how do I repent of my sins on a regular basis?
Topics: Poetry and WisdomChristian LivingHoly Spirit