Pastoral Ministry (Q&A)

31 Q&A results for: Pastoral Ministry

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A Recommended Commentary Library

I'm attempting to gather together some commentaries for a Bible Library. Which commentaries would you suggest?

Topics: Pastoral MinistryInterpretationChristian Living

Should women teach men the Bible?

Based upon 1 Timothy 2:11-14 it seems that women should not teach in the church. Is this true?

Topics: ManBiblical TheologyPastoral Ministry

God Save Me - Again?

I am a born again Christian, but at times I feel like praying "God save me" because of my present circumstances and sin in my life. Is this proper? Can I be saved again?

Topics: SalvationSalt and LightPastoral Ministry

Neil Anderson

Do you think that Neil Anderson is a trustworthy biblical teacher?

Topics: Pastoral Ministry

Preaching vs. Teaching

What is the difference between "preaching" and "teaching"?

Topics: Pastoral MinistryBiblical TheologyInterpretation

Is church membership necessary?

Is church membership necessary? Does it not take away from Christ's authority in his Church>

Topics: Church and SacramentsPastoral Ministry

Can someone with OCD receive forgiveness?

Do the staff at Third Millennium think the Bible has anything to say about OCD and religious scrupulosity? I seem to never feel forgiven, no matter what I do!

Topics: SalvationManPastoral Ministry

Climbing the Corporate Ladder

Should the dangerous potential of dulled love for Christ discourage someone from pursuing a secular job over a (more explicitly) ministry job?

Topics: Pastoral MinistryChristian Living

Marrying Unbelievers

Should Christian ministers perform marriages between unbelievers?

Topics: Pastoral Ministry

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