Modern Church (Q&A)

19 Q&A results for: Modern Church

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What is Pantheism? Is it a biblical doctrine?

Topics: Biblical TheologyPhilosophyModern Church

Should we commune with other Christians with different beliefs than ours?

I attend a Presbyterian Church. There’s a rather liberal Baptist Church close to us. Should we work with them to help feed the hungry? Or would this be a case of being unequally yoked together?

Topics: Modern ChurchSalt and LightBiblical Theology

When should children participate in the Lord's Supper?

In the PCA, how old does a child need to be to participate in the Lord's Table?

Topics: Modern ChurchChristBiblical Theology

Apostolic Succession?

Apostolic Succession?

Topics: Modern Church

Southern Baptist Catholics?

Are Southern Baptists Catholics?

Topics: Modern Church

What is the meaning of God inhabiting the praises of his people in Psalm 22:3?

What is the meaning of God inhabiting the praises of his people in Psalm 22:3?

Topics: Modern ChurchGodBiblical Theology

From Dualism to Postmodernity

How has the demise of dualism in the history of western thought produced the ethos present in postmodernity?

Topics: Modern Church

Apostolic Succession and Denominationalism

Please advise how these Protestant churches mentioned can trace themselves, through legitimate ordinations, back to the apostles. Please specifically mention which Protestant churches/denominations can trace their lineages to the apostles.

Topics: Modern Church

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