Holy Spirit (Q&A)

103 Q&A results for: Holy Spirit

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Lessons on Repentance - Psalm 51

I'm saved, but how how do I repent of my sins on a regular basis?

Topics: Poetry and WisdomChristian LivingHoly Spirit

What is the sin that leads to death?

What is the sin that leads to death in 1 John 5:16? Is it related to blasphemy of the Spirit in Matthew 12:22-32?

Topics: Holy SpiritApologeticsBiblical Theology

The Holy Spirit in the Westminster Standards?

I'm doing research on the Holy Spirit. How would one study the doctrine of the Holy Spirit from the Westminster Standards?

Topics: Holy SpiritBiblical TheologyInterpretation

Seconds, Please!

Does the Bible teach that Christians are to seek a distinct, secondary work of grace known as the "baptism of the Holy Spirit"?

Topics: SalvationHoly Spirit

What are the Names of God?

What are the names of God?

Topics: GodChristHoly Spirit

The Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments

How does the ministry of the Holy Spirit differ in the Old and New Testaments?

Topics: Holy Spirit

Slain In The Spirit

Can you comment upon the scriptural validity of being "slain in the Spirit"?

Topics: InterpretationHoly SpiritBiblical Theology

ESP and the Bible

When it speaks of the gifts of the Spirit and such, doesn't the Bible endorse things like ESP and other psychic abilities?

Topics: ApologeticsHoly SpiritBiblical Theology

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